Chapter 41

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Ashton's POV

5 days. 13 hours. 0 minutes. 1 second... 2 seconds... 3 seconds...

Elizabeth had been gone for five days, thirteen hours, zero minutes, seven seconds... eight seconds... nine seconds...

I knew she was still alive. I had gotten her message- CAV IS IN TROUBLE OA. She was here. She had been here, and I had missed her by mere hours.

"I see Prince CaVaughn still hasn't returned from his trip to Gregoria." Ron Michaels, the prime minister of Crysauralia casually stated as his rapacious eyes roamed the meeting room before eventually landing on me. "After spending so much time away from the country of his birth, one would think that he would want to be here."

I tried my best to wear a calm expression as he took his seat at the round table. Of all the times to have to have this meeting, the timing couldn't have been worse. Elizabeth was still missing and I should be out there searching for her, but instead I was here, wasting time with this conniving man whose only goal in life seemed to be to extinguish everything my family had built.

"You still have matters of the kingdom to attend to," the prinarch had insisted. "Your father is doing everything in his power to locate Elizabeth, so your undivided attention must be on your royals duties. You are to become the next ruler."

I'd been hearing that line since I was fourteen years old.

As if I would be able to properly focus on anything when my mind was being flooded with possibilities of where she might be. My thoughts kept vaulting from one assumption to the next.

The prime minister cleared his throat, and I tried to erase the suspicion clouding my eyes as the thought of him perhaps being the culprit behind my soulmate's disappearance ebbed to mind.

"Your royal highness." He gave a bow as stiff as a ply board while he all but mumbled my title beneath his breath. "At least you are here to receive me for the meeting."

"My brother is away attending to matters of the kingdom," I said, my voice clipped. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his disrespectful comments.

"His kingdom is here. Prince CaVaughn is the firstborn child and the Crysauralian throne is his birthright. Not only has the emperor disregarded the line of succession for the throne, but he plans on appointing his oldest child as king to govern a foreign kingdom."

"I assure you that the emperor has the best interest of the country at hear-"

"Simply having interest is not enough. The people want answers. If Prince CaVaughn is fit to rule Gregoria, then why can't he rule the empire? If I didn't know any better, I'd say Emperor Caden wants him out of his sight."

I clenched my fists under the table and willed myself not to give him the reaction he was attempting to get from me. This man never missed an opportunity to find fault with my family. If there was even a single thing that he identified as a weakness, he would latch on to it and hone in like a fly. I wouldn't give him that chance today. I would not allow him to get under my skin.

"While we're on the subject of unanswered questions, I'd like to know how Elizabeth is doing."

My fingers twitched against the smooth surface of the table. "Elizabeth?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn't prevent the slither of tension that seeped into my voice.

"Should I have said Lady Elizabeth instead?" he muttered to himself, but still obviously loud enough for me to hear him. His watery gaze was focused on me. "I would call her a lady, but unfortunately, your royal highness, you are yet to officially confirm the degree of your relationship with her. I received word almost a week ago that you would be publicly announcing your relationship and engagement. But not only has that not happened, she has not been seen since. Tell me, Prince Ashton, where is your lovely fiancée-to-be?"

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