Part 30 - New teacher, New classmates...

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As promised, Mrs Son organized a trip for Mr Kim and her. The Mafia Boss was excited to have some private time with the woman he loves. He gave his instructions before leaving to everyone, including his sons. He warned them to behave correctly and that he didn't want to hear anything relating to Y/N.

Things were strangely quiet at home. Yoongi focused on his studies to change. It was his last year before graduation after all.

Jin was managing the business, the official and the non-official.

For the kids, the highlights of the week was the newcomers. The children of a rich family joined the school, and they became the gossip of the entire school. There was a 14 years old boy, in the same class as Y/N and a girl of 16 years old. There was also a trainee Math teacher. He was young and handsome. All the girls were dreaming to have private lessons with him.

Y/N didn't really pay a close attention to the boy, Inwoo, but unexpectedly, the third day after his arrival, he approached her during break time. She was surprised that this guy showed interest in her.

Inwoo: Y/N... right?

Y/N: Ah, yes, do you need something?

Inwoo: I heard that you are the best student of our year

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Inwoo: I heard that you are the best student of our year... that you even skipped grades... that you're younger, not only smaller than others.

Y/N: (She smiled, embarrassed.) Well, yes, but what can I do for you?

Inwoo: Nothing... but I think that we can become friends! I like to have valuable friends.

Y/N found that boy had a very straight approach but not of her liking. She didn't like to attract attention and she didn't plan to have a friend like that Inwoo in her circle.

Y/N: I'm not sure to be that valuable... Excuse me, I need to go.

Inwoo: Wait... (He followed her to the cafeteria.) Why are you rejecting me without even trying to know who I am?!

Y/N didn't know what to answer to him. She was not at ease. She choose her meal and was looking for a free table. Taehyung and Jungkook would probably join her in few minutes anyway.

Inwoo also chose his food and followed her at the table. He sat without asking her permission and she stared at him.

Inwoo: Let's share a meal, I'm sure that we can found common points. You know I am an excellent students too.

Y/N: Euh... excuse me, you should...  

Y/N couldn't finish her phrase because of the meal tray who was put nonchalantly on the table by Taehyung.

Taehyung: Y/N... who is that guy? (He stared at Inwoo who was sitting near Y/N.)


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