Part 96 - Role play...

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The night was short for Yoongi. He couldn't sleep well. He was not worried to have not been able to find that Cha Song-Min until then, because he was not a threat to his family, but to know that a jerk, who had hurt his loving ones didn't face his death yet, angered him. He was sipping his morning black coffee when Yejin entered the kitchen. It was just past 6.30am.

Mrs Son: Yoongi, you are already up, did you come back late last night? You should have sleep more... you look tired.

Yoongi: Thanks to tell me that I look awful! (He gave her a fake smile.) And you? Why are you up so early? Something's wrong? (He stared at her with his piercing eyes.) Your face hasn't the best complexion. Are you sick?

Mrs Son: (She served herself a tea.) I couldn't sleep well so, instead of tossing around in bed and wake up your father, I thought I could prepare a good breakfast for everyone.

Yoongi: You should rest and take care of yourself instead of doing all of this. There are people for that.

Yoongi's tone could appear cold for someone who didn't know him, but it was his way of talking when he was worried for a member of his family. Yejin smiled and patted his head with affection.

Mrs Son: Ohh our Yoongi is worried for his old stepmother

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Mrs Son: Ohh our Yoongi is worried for his old stepmother.

Yoongi: Don't do that... I'm not a kid! (He took a sip of his coffee, more to hid his blushing face.)

Mrs Son: I know, I know... you're a tough man... Only affectionate with his little sister...

Yoongi: What's going on? Having the others being clingy kids is more than enough, no? You don't really expect from me to act like them, right?

Mrs Son: Nooo... I know that it is not your style... Mr Cold Face... (She smiled brightly at him and once again, he gave her his best fake smile.) You're cute...

Yoongi:(He stood up to leave.)Yes... the cutest of the family...

Yoongi put his cup in the sink. Yejin drunk her tea, her gaze on the window, the sun was coming up, giving a nice light in the garden. She was surprised when Yoongi stopped at her level and put his hand delicately on the top of her head.

Yoongi: I know that you are worried because of what happened yesterday, but we will take care of this, so don't uselessly stress out. (He left without a look, embarrassed of his own action.)

Mrs Son: Definitively a cute grumpy kitten...

Yoongi made a quick stop by Jin's bedroom to grab clothes for him. He will pass by Park Hyerin's apartment before to continue his hunt of Cha.

At this hour, he didn't take much time to arrive. He parked his car behind his brother's one and texted him. One minute later, Jin was downstairs. His face showed that the night was short for him too.

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