《 14 》

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The next morning, after I had a few bites of my breakfast, there was a knock at my door. I walked over to it, calling out tentatively to whoever it was because Eunji had already dropped off my breakfast, so it probably wasn't her or Haru, but I never got an answer. I cautiously opened the door to find no one. I looked around to see no one in the hallway. When I looked down, I noticed a small stack of folded-up clothes, a pair of sneakers, socks, and under the clothes was a simple sketchbook and a case with graphite and charcoal pencils. I looked down the hallway one last time before taking the items into my room, closing the door behind me. There were two sets of clothes in the pile, a pair of pajamas and a pair of clothes to wear when going out. I searched through the items to see if there was a card but found nothing. Seeing there was no card, I set the items on my bed, examining the items. Eventually, I changed into the new pair of pajamas, which was a pair of plaid pajama pants and a soft, black, long sleeve shirt that was a bit baggy and loose but didn't completely engulf my frame like the clothes they had previously been giving me. I also wore the fuzzy socks which were black with white polka dots, helping to heat my normally cold feet. Once I was changed, I looked at the sketchbook and pencils. I had always loved drawing. It was one of the few saving graces I had while in rogue territory. If I could find any lightly used pencils or pens, I always used them up within a few days. Art was one of the few ways I could express myself out there or release some of my anger or frustration without attracting attention to myself. I couldn't help myself as I giddily flipped open the sketchbook, grabbing one of the pre-sharpened graphite pencils. I searched around the room, looking for something, anything, to draw. I eventually drew my gaze to the scenery outside the balcony. I didn't get views like this in the woods, with most of the trees towering over me, there wasn't much of anything to see, but this view was nearly perfect. There were trees of different shapes and sizes along with the clearing of bright green grass that peaked out from the front of the house, and if you look further down the hill, you can see the roofs and the sides of a few houses in the village. I eagerly sat in the bay window, placing the open sketchbook on my lap. I tentatively pressed the tip of the pencil to the paper before letting my hand move as it pleased as it glided over the cream-colored paper.


I was freezing and wet. The air was slowly being pushed from my lungs as I sunk deeper and deeper into the lake. My muscles spasmed, finding themselves unable to move from the freezing water. When the pressure in my lungs began to hurt, causing a constricting feeling in my chest, I opened my eyes, looking up at the full moon, not fighting the water as it continued to pull me down into the dark abyss. As the corners of my vision grew dark, a pair of comforting hands reached into the water, pulling me out. I gasped for air, coughing up the small amount of water I had inhaled. I hastily looked around for the person who pulled me out as my vision cleared and my body found the will to move again, only to find that I was all alone. The lake slowly disappeared around me, turning into a forest with towering trees that seemed to loom over me. "Run," a female voice said worriedly around me. I looked around desperately, trying to find the source of the voice as the feeling of dread consumed me. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Run," the voice repeated, more frantic this time. Before I could ask the voice why, I heard multiple growls from behind me, answering my question for me. I didn't glance back at whoever was growling. I didn't need to. I just ran. I knew exactly who they were, Alphas. The deeper into the forest I got, the harder it became to distinguish the trees from one another and soon enough, it was basically pitch black. The only light was far out in front of me, just barely illuminating my path. I kept running towards it to get away from the group of Alphas running behind me, but it seemed to be useless. The more I ran, the further away from the light I seemed to be. The Alphas behind me were speeding up, and I was slowing down. My legs felt heavy, and it was growing increasingly harder to move forward. I knew what was coming, and it scared the hell out of me. All of a sudden, I felt paws push into my back, causing me to fall forward, being shoved harshly into the dirt.

Day By Day; MYGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن