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Edward's POV -
"OK. Suggestions on how to kill the bitch."
"Adrienne, we are not killing anyone," Carlisle says, pinching his nose.
"But isn't that your entire job."
"No! Wait, what do you think a doctor does?"
"Eh. Doesn't matter. We are going to take a vote. All in favour of killing Isabella Swan." Rosalie, Alice, Adrienne and Klaus raise their hands. I half raise mine and Jasper somewhat raises his. "See. 6 vs 4. Let's make the plan. Knife or gun. Or poison. Or electrucution. Ooo, how about embalming her alive. Like on Criminal Minds."
"As someone who has a talent at murder, the greatest being when I murdered my ex-fiance in a wedding dress, embalming alive sounds painful and great."
"We are not killing Isabella," the patriarch of our family tries to reason.
"Shut up Carlisle. Klaus, your ex-father killed a bunch of people. Got any ideas?"
"Smoke inhalation worked? But as someone who has also binged Criminal Minds with you multiple timed the embalming thing sounds great."
"Okay, it's sorted. Eddie, you lure Isabella, Rose and I will find embalming shit and between the 6 of us, we can do this. Agreed?"

"You don't need to kill her." the previously quiet Russell, who has been nearly silent since we got home spoke, "I'm fine, Em's fine. We're all fine."
"No. Your not." My voice makes everyone turn to me, "I can read minds. I know your not fine. But even without that, it's obvious to us. Hell, even Rory could tell. And he's only known you for just over a month."
"So maybe I'm not fine. It doesn't matter. We got through the 1940s and beyond. One small comment shouldn't lead to a murder."
"You're my brother. My blood. No one messes with my family, particularly not my brother. Who fought for me until the end."
"Rose. Please."
"Emmet, what do you think?" Esme asked.
"As much as I would love to embalm someone alive, Russ' right. It was one godamn remark. If we killed everyone because of that, many people wouldn't be alive right now. I know you want to protect us, but just let it go."
"How about we compromise?"
"What?" We all turn to Alice.
"I mean, I had a vision the other day about the test result I get tomorrow in Spanish tomorrow, I get 97% by the way, and the road was icy. There is possibility for, let's say, a small accident. In which Isabella could get somewhat injured. Nothing serious, but something that will show karma's a bitch. "
" Damn Ali, didn't think you had it in you. "
"No one hurts my family."

AN- Jake and Amy are freaking amazing. Soulmates. Anyway, this was fun to write. Planning on killing Bella. But alas, murder is illegal, so an 'accident' it is. Have fun with your lives. Drink water. Sleep. Read Wattpad fanfics. Watch the Doctor Who on Sunday. Enjoy existing.

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