16- Shocking Event

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"This is bad!" Ochobot exclaimed as they all watch Ying fall foward, passed out from the shock and pain that was just too much. Thunderstorm saw this and felt a bit satisfied before disappearing from other's sight, causing Gopal to start panicking.

"Aiyoyo! Where did he go!?" The lightning element then appeared behind Yaya and Gopal, causing the two to slowly look back only to see Thunderstorm smirked at they're fearful expression before doing the same attack to them.


Ying, Yaya and Gopal were now pass out on the ground while Tok Aba stared at the passed out kids in horror. "Now then Tok Aba.... Tell me what your secret cocoa recipe is!?" Adudu demanded, pointing towards the elder man. "Hmph! In your dreams!" Tok Aba denied, giving glared at the alien a glare in return.

"Tok Aba will not tell you anything!" Ochobot joined, standing beside Tok Aba even thou the Power Sphere was shaken up after he witness Thunderstorm hurting his own friends but it wasn't even his fault and Ochobot knows it.

"Then it's seems i have to resort to force! My comrade!" Adudu yelled as Thunderstorm summoned his blade pointing it towards Tok Aba with no hesitation. "No! This is your grandpa Boboiboy" Tok Aba trailed off, reluctantly walking towards the lightning element. "Huh? Grandpa?" Thunderstorm questioned, looking at Tok Aba in confusion.

"Yeah, and your my grandson" Tok Aba had a pleading look as he continued to walk towards Thunderstorm in hopes to make him remember. "Grandson schanzon! Don't listen to him! Get the secret recipe now!" Adudu demanded, making the lightning element glare at Tok Aba, pointing his thunder blade near the elder man's face. "Tell me the secret recipe!" Thunderstorm demanded before lifting his blade up, causing Tok Aba close his eyes, preparing himself for the pain.

"No Boboiboy!!" Ochobot yelled as he saw a silhouette ran pass him and in front of Tok Aba. It was Y/n.

Tok Aba slowly open his eyes after he felt nothing, his eyes landed on Y/n's figure who was standing in front of him with her hands glowing purple including Thunderstorm's blade was also glowing purple. The girl was frowning at the lightning element, she managed to stop his attack in time with her telekinesis.

Thunderstorm stared at the girl in front of him with wide eyes, he didn't understand why his heart suddenly skipped a beat at the sight of her but decided to ignore it. "What are you doing Boboiboy!? He is your grandpa!" Y/n yelled, she was furious at the fact that Boboiboy was about to hurt his own grandfather. 

"And who are you!?" Thunderstorm snapped, giving the girl a cold glare. This made Y/n realise why the lightning element was acting odd. "Boboiboy snap out of it!" Y/n yelled, using her telekinesis to quickly push Thunderstorm away from Tok Aba, the lightning element saw that he was surrounded with glowing purple and felt himself unable to move— causing him to growl at the girl.

"My name is not Boboiboy! I am Adada!" Thunderstorm yelled before teleporting himself away, catching Y/n off guard as she quickly looked around. Feeling a presence behind her, this made her do a quick turn and hold the lightning element in place with her telekinesis— noticing that the thunder blade was just a few inches away from her face.

"Boboiboy please! I don't wanna hurt you!" Y/n pleaded, looking at Thunderstorm straight in the eye, her eyes were filled with desparation. The sight made the lightning element slightly frown, staring at the girl for a few moment before growling at her and teleported away.

This made Y/n gasp as immediately put her guard up, she felt another presence from behind. Making her quickly turn around but saw nothing, this caused her to frown even more before realizing it was a trick.

The girl quickly turned around seeing the blade was nearing her face, it all went slow motion for her as she stared at the lightning blade with wide eyes so she did something unthinkable. Y/n had closed her eyes and extended her arm towards the blade before grabbing it, the girl whimpered— thinking she will get electricuted yet nothing happened.

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