Chapter 16

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You froze at the food in front of you.

And the person holding the tray.

You- "O-Oh..."

"I didn't introduce myself earlier.."

You didn't know what to look first:

The delicious food on the tray..

Or the person in front of you.

He had black hair with the scar going down his milky white eye.

Never had you felt warm at the sight of someone.

Not even your ex gave you that feeling.

And that says ALOT.

"May I come in?"

You- "U-Um...Y-Yeah..sorry.."

You stepped to the side to let him in.

You watched him as he entered your room, closing the door after he entered.

You watched him.

The way he held his posture.

The way he held the tray.

The way he set it down by the vanity.

The way his abs moved with him.

You were so hypnotized by him.

You could tell that even in his teen years he was quite the looker.

"I'm Kakucho, by the way."

You snapped out of your thoughts when he spoke up.

You- "O-Oh..N-Nice to meet you Kakucho...M-My name is (Y-."

Kakucho- "(-Y/N)...I know who you are."

He smiled.

God even his smile has you melting.

You went to go sit on the bed before your knees decide to just give up on you.

Kakucho- "I'm sorry, I know that sounded creepy, but Kokonoi had me do a background check on you before you came."

That prick...

You- "-Oh...I figured...You guys must not trust people."

Kakucho- "Not that we don't trust people, but we can't put our trust on everyone we meet."

You nod.

Kakucho- "Anyways...the maid told me you didn't want to eat."

You- "Yeah...I...I'm just not hungry.."

As if right on cue, your stomach started doing the whale's mating call.

You were embarrassed.

Kakucho noticed and chuckled.

Kakucho- "I don't blame you for avoiding us, Sanzu really is intimidating."

You nodded.

Kakucho- "Here.."

You watched as Kakucho takes the tray from the vanity and brings it over to you.

You eyed the dinner in front of you and your stomach growled again.

Kakucho- "Go ahead and eat, I promise its not poisoned."

You- "O-oh I wasn't worried about that....but...I just don't like eating while people watch me.."

Kakucho- "I understand, I'll come back later."

He was about to head out when you spoke up.

You- "Wait.."

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