Chapter 35

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((A/N: My phone keeps switching Sanzu to Sandy 💀💀💀))

((3 Hours Later))

Takeomi was driving everyone else back to the hideout after they all managed to shake off the cops.

After he found out that helicopters were now involved, he went to one of their secret bases in a limo.

While they scattered, Takeomi sent the others a message that he'll take them all back after their game of cat and mouse.

It had been an hour since they finally shook off the cops.

But they waited some time to make sure the coast was clear before heading back.

They were a good 45 minutes away from the hideout when they started heading back.

Normally it would be a car ride FILLED with complaints and rustling, but it wasn't.

Some were asleep while others were either on their phones or gazing out the window.

The whole ride no one said anything, so Takeomi broke the silence the moment he saw the bridge.

Takeomi- "There's the bridge."

There were sighs of relief.

Kakucho- "Finally..."

Mochi- "What a night.."

Ran- "You're telling me..."

Once they entered the secret passage next to the bridge, they felt like they were already home.

Mochi- "What time is it?"

Ran- "4 am..."

Kokonoi- "I'm so tired..."

Rindou- "Then why didn't you take a nap?"

Kokonoi- "Because I want my BED."


Kakucho- "So now what? We gotta lay low again?"

Mochi- "don't know...we got snitched on this time because of those b*tches...."

Ran- "True, I doubt police would be on our tail..."

Takeomi- "That doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious..."

They all hummed.

Takeomi- "We should call Suki to tell her we're almost there.."

Sanzu- "Oh yeah...she called me earlier..."

Kakucho- "She called YOU?"

Sanzu- "Apparently....Stupid b*tch wanted ME to pass the phone to Omi..."

Takeomi- "Why did she want to talk to me?"

Sanzu- "Maybe she wanted to hit?"

Takeomi rolled his eyes.

Takeomi- "Just answer the damn question..."

Sanzu- "I don't know, I hung up before I cared enough to ask.."

Takeomi sighs.

Takeomi- "Call her back and ask then."

Sanzu- "Dude, she's probably asleep by now.."

Kakucho- "Not if she called a while ago.."

Sanzu- "I said 'earlier', we were still at the base when she called."


The car jerked when Takeomi slammed on the breaks.

Sanzu- "What the f*ck was that for, geezer?!"

Ride or Die {Tokyo Revengers Bonten}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon