Chapter 49

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((A/N: I am alot faster on my laptop but more focused on my phone 🤦🏻‍♀️😂))


Naoto stayed at the hospital room after Derek had left.

He said he was going outside for some fresh air so he just let him.

He needed to cool off too, especially after everything that's happened.

Derek's words kept replaying inside his head as he remembered how angry he felt when he heard how cold and heartless the Chief truly is.

He sat on his chair with his elbows on his thighs as he thought about nothing but regrets.

Regrets about not taking action sooner.

Regrets about asking for his aid when he agreed to help him try to capture Bonten.

If he would've found out the truth sooner, perhaps he would've saved her before it was too late.

Before she was left feeling betrayed and hurt.


Naoto turned to where the voice came from and found Nero with 2 water bottles at hand.

Nero- "Thought you could use some."

Naoto chuckled as he took a water bottle from him.

Thanking him and opening it to take a few gulps.

Nero- "How are you holding up?"

Naoto sighs.

Naoto- "I don't know....I just wondered what could've happened if I had acted sooner....maybe she wouldn't have ended up in a hospital bed.....feeling broken and lost..."

Nero- " can't blame yourself for stuff like this....times were different can't punish yourself just because the tables have turned..."

Naoto nods.

Naoto- "I just felt all of this could've been prevented if I had followed my judgement from the start.."

Nero- "You did what you felt was right...don't dread on the past just because the future didn't turn out as you planned."

Naoto gazes down a bit then drinks from his bottle again.

Naoto- "I just hope she's okay.."

Nero hums.

Naoto- "If they do take better care of her than her Ex did....then I wouldn't try to stop them from taking her...."

Nero- "If she trusts them....then there's nothing we can do..."

Naoto- "Yeah....."

It was silent for a bit until suddenly...


Both their phones go off.

They checked and saw that their scanner is ON.

Meaning that the scanner is now LIVE.

Nero- "I'll turn mine on."

Naoto nods.

Nero clicked on the message, the screen switching to the live reciever.

"Breaker! Breaker! What is going on?!"

"Send backup now! We have the target in front of us but they're sending us on a wild goose chase."

"Man down! Man Down! This driver is sending us on a suicide chase!"

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