Chapter 28

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((Few Days Later))

Naoto- "Anything new?"

The Chief sighed.

Chief- "Nothing, my informant hasn't found anything new."

Naoto- "Are you sure they're still alive?"

Chief- "The signal hasn't been cut off so they're in the clear."

Naoto- "What will you do when it does? Will you stop the operation?"

Chief- "They won't..."

Naoto- "But you need to have a plan in case it does."

Chief- "I've told you, they won't find out."

Naoto- "How do you know they won't?"

Chief- "Because I KNOW it...and I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop asking about it..."

Naoto sighs.

It had been a few days since the Chief had any information on Bonten.

And the longer it went on the more worried Naoto got.

He has a feeling that the Chief is refusing to save his informant if they get caught.

If the Chief really is that heartless then he won't stand idly by and let people die on his watch.

Naoto didn't want to get in his bad side, but now he feels he will have to take matters into his own hands.

Naoto- "As you wish, now if we're done here, I believe one of my agents asked to speak with me."

The Chief nods.

Naoto stood up to leave the Chief's office to leave him to continue his work on his laptop.

Naoto walked to see another agent of his, Nero.

Nero is one of his trusted workers.

Nero is also a hacker, so if Naoto needed to get info on anything, Nero is the guy for it.

Naoto- "Nero."

Nero- "Yes boss?"

Naoto- "You wanted to see me?"

Nero nodded.

Nero knew the signal.

Because Nero is an undercover hacker, whenever Naoto needed him to get intel on something, he would use the same line if people are around just so they could talk in private without any suspicions.

Nero- "Yeah....if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you in private."

Naoto- "Of course..."

Naoto enters the room and closes the door behind him.

Taking a seat on one if the chairs by his desk.

Nero- "What do you need?"

Naoto- "Think you can hack into the Chief's computer?"

Nero- "May I ask what for?"

Naoto- "The Chief has an informant that's getting information off of Bonten, but I fear for their safety since its been days since we've heard from them. The only issue I have is that I don't know who they are and the Chief is refusing to share that with me...the Chief may not care for their safety but I want to be able to help them in case they get discovered."

Nero nods.

Nero- "Is his laptop hooked onto the wifi?"

Naoto- "I believe so."

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