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At Jeon Mansion

Jungkook goes straight to his home and knocked at the door repeatedly.

"Appa.. Please. Let me explain. Please.. Open the door for me. " He cried aloud.

For minutes later, the door has opened a moment.

Jungkook wiped his tears and was about to get inside, his father thrown his clothes and his photo frame outside.

"I already told you are not my son anymore. Stop shouting at my home! And get lost. " With that he shut the door on his face.

Jungkook fell down on the floor as he dont know how to console them.


At Hospital

Jimin wrapped his father's hand and hugged him.

Namjoon taps Jimin's shoulder and asked him to come out.


"Jimin, are you ok? " Namjoon asked him.

Jimin burst into tears and hugged him tightly.

"I'm not ok! I'm not " He cried aloud and namjoon consoled him untill he calmed down a bit.


"Jimin, we are moving back to LA. And do remember you are married now! So dont leave him. I will take care of everything"

Jimin didn't say much. He know he can't escape from this marriage. If he needs to get divorce he needs to atleast live with Jungkook for a year.

"Take care Hyung. Call me if dad get conscious back. "


At Guest House

Jimin went to the guest house and entered into his room.

He saw how the bedsheet and the flowers(decorated for their night)were shattered on the floor.

To add on, he saw Jungkook was sitting on the bed and he sense he was drunk.

Jungkook looked at jimin with his dark gaze. He holds a beer bottle on his hand.

"Get out. It's my room. " Jimin broke the silence.

"Your room? " Jungkook laughed sarcastically.

Jimin looked at him for a while and decides to exit the room. When he was about to turned back, jungkook pulled him into the bed.

"What the----leave me " Jimin shouted.

"Why would I? You planned all this right? "

Jimin rolled his eyes as he don't have any interest to talk with him.

"You came into my life, you started to destroy me completely! You left me alone. I have searched for you. And I even waited for you. But.. In return, I only came to know that you have played with my feelings! (A weak smile). I have never seen such a pathetic person in my life. Now I lost my parents and my hyung.. How could you do this to him? TELL ME? '

"You are drunk, leave me. " Jimin didn't react to his emotions as he find a way to push jungkook.

Jungkook gripped Jimin's waist as he was too mad on him..

"I said leave me. " Jimin shouted.

"Why would I? "

"St----" Jimin's words were cut off when Jungkook smashed his lips on jimin.

Jimin tries to hit on his chest repeatedly but the more he punch the more he deepened the kiss.

"Le.. ave.. Me.... " But he didn't leave him and begins to unwrap his suit.

"Nooooooooooo" Jimin got panicked as this time he know he can't be saved.

"The f*ck." Jimin slapped Jungkook on his cheeks.

Jungkook placed his hands on the cheeks and looked at jimin.

He was about to stood up, jungkook forcefully pulled him into the bed.

He begins to kiss him harshly and he tied his hands on the cot.

Jimin left a tear and he accepts this as a punishment.

He didn't show his emotions. He instead looked at the ceiling with a broken heart.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..... " He voiced out once he felt Jungkook entered into him.

A small chapter! Will update next chapter on Wednesday.


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