Little Things - Charli D'amelio

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Prompt: You and Charlie being together as a whole. The cute moments.

🎵 Music 🎶


I wake up to a sleeping Charli, peacefully on FaceTime. I take a few photos before getting out of bed using the bathroom. I take my phone off the charger bringing it in the bathroom with me, as I do my morning routine and making my bun slightly less messy. As, I'm walking to my closet, I hear a groan from my phone making me look at a half sleep charli.

"I thought you hung up." Charli pouts laying on her arms
"Of course not bubba." I say looking at her giving her a soft smile and she returns it
"Are you coming over today?" She asks watching me pick out a comfy outfit
"What time baby?" I asks sitting my phone down changing into my outfit

Which is boxer shorts with some sweatpants over it and a cropped tank top with a hoodie.

"Is now okay?" She asks knowing I can drive since I just got my license and just turned 18
"Yeah, I'll be right over." I say slipping on some socks
"Ok, great. Imma go shower and get ready before you come." She says getting out of bed
"No problem see you soon baby." I say
"See you soon babe." She says then wave to me before we hang up

Before leaving, I grab the two cheese cakes me and my mom made for them before putting on my shoes.
I put on my house slippers since I left my shoes at the D'amelio house. I grab my phone, keys, wallet and phone charger before walking out my house leaving a note for my mom so she's not worried. Before going to Charli's house I grab everyone some Dunkin', putting in the gate code then pull into their driveway.
(I have no clue what they're house look like at the front so go with it.)

I get out grabbing everything locking my car before knocking on the door.

"Hey, Y/n what you doing here so early?" Heidi asks letting me in
"Me and Charli was on the phone and she wanted me to come over so here I am and I bought Dunkin's and cheesecake for everyone." I say taking off my slippers
"Well thank you." She says giving me a hug
"Good Morning By the way." I say handing her, her coffee
"Good Morning." She says taking it and a donut

I put the cheesecakes in the freezer before I grab my things, then me and bubbas order going to her room.

"Babe, I'm here." I say loudly so she can hear me entering the room
"Ok, I'm coming." She yells back

I place her food on the her side table, somewhat fixing her bed before taking off my sweatpants leaving me in shorts getting comfy in her bed.

"Good Morning Bebe." She says walking out her bathroom dressed in comfy clothes
"Good Morning Baby." I say smiling and she sees the food knowing it's from me gives me a kiss as a thank you before cuddling into my front
"What do you wanna do today bubba?" She asks as we watch SpongeBob that was playing
"We need to refill our boxes so we should do that." I say and she nods
"Can you sleep over?" She asks looking up at me
"If that's what you want, then yeah I'll sleep over." I say and she nods smiling to her self

"Good Morning you two, y/n thanks for the food anyways mom wanted to know if you guys wanted to have a pool day?" Dixie says walking in with her Dunkin'
"Yeah, sure. You babe?" Charli asks me as I massage her hair
"Sure, why not?" I say shrugging my shoulder
"Kk be ready before lunch." Dixie says leaving the room
"It's still early, you wanna go to the store now so there's less paps out?" I asks the beauty in my arms
"Yeah, the less the better." Charli says getting up but not before giving me a kiss

We get ready to go to the store, I grab my wallet, keys and phone walking down the stairs with my hand entwined with Charli.

"Good Morning, you two." Marc says eating a donut
"Morning dad." Charli says as we walk to the door
"Morning Marc." I say smiling
"What time will you two be back and where are you going?" He asks as we slip on our shoes
"We're going to the store really quick so there's less paps out. And we shouldn't be longer than an hour." Charli says and he nods
"Be safe." He says
"We will." I say as we walk out the door

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