My Gf - Coco Jones

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Prompt: You and her relationship all together; the cuteness y/n a big simp Y/N G!P

🎶 Music 🎶


"Babe?" I hear my favorite voice call out causing me to wake up from my nap
"Hm?" I hum turning towards her voice
"I'll be right back, I'm going to grab some groceries." She says coming out in a pair of my sweatpants and a black hoodie
"You need me to come with you." I asks sitting up
"I would want you to, but you just got up from a nap. You probably still tired." She says smiling walking up to me
"It's all good bae gimme a min let me go grab my hoodie." I say since I'm only in sweatpants and a sports bra
"Ok." She says smiling softly giving me a kiss as I get up

I smile at the thought of my beautiful breath taking girlfriend, she really got me wrapped around her finger I don't care what people say imma definite simp.

"Alright what store we going to?" I asks after I grabbed my phone, wallet and hoodie
"Is it ok if we go to Costco and Walmart?" She asks shyly making me smile
"Yeah, baby. It's all good." I say taking her hand going out the door of our house

I love that about her; she's get all cute and shy but then she hella confident, that's my bae.

"Bae I wanna go out of the country." She says as we on the way to the store
"Ok. Where?" I asks rubbing her thigh while I drive
"Uhhh I don't know for sure, I just wanna go away with you. Maybe Mexico, Paris or just somewhere secluded." She says smiling softly over at me
"Ok, imma see what I can do." I say looking at her and she nods

I give her a kiss before the light turn green.

We play around while listening on our way to the first store, we needed to go to.

"Babe?" Coco says as I pull into the parking lot at Costcos
"Yeah?" I asks glancing over her as I look for a close parking spot
"Can I put plaits in you're head or twists when we get home?" She asks smiling looking at her phone then at me
"Yeah, that's cool with me." I say shrugging knowing imma like it anyways

I park the car, getting out to help her out the car before locking it walking into the store following Coco as she pushes the basket.

"What do you wanna eat tonight?" I asks her as I pick up some items we need
"Uhh ion know baby. I want some rotel dip so bad but that probably won't fill me up." She says turning to me pouting
"We can eat that cause I want some too not gonna lie." I say rubbing her sides
"Ok, so you wanna get that first or wait until we get everything we need." She asks as I push the basket down the isle
"We can get as we going to the area so we not running back and forth in the store." I say and she nods agreeing with me

We grab our groceries we needed from Costco before paying and leaving out the store heading to Walmart.

"What we in here for again?" I asks looking at my girl as we walk around the store with the baskets
"Just some more household products. It won't take long." She says looking at me giving me a kiss
"Baby I'm not tripping about how long you take, I just wanna be on the lookout. And I do need a few things cause I'm running out at the house." I say kissing her head and she smiles blushing
"You go grab the stuff you need and I'll meet you over there. So we can get outta here faster."  She says turning to putting her arms around my neck
"Nooo, I'm good. I wanna be with my girlfriend. I can wait." I say wrapping my arm around her waist
"So you won't be embarrassed if I told you we had to go in the pad isle?" She asks swaying us a lil bit
"Nah, baby if we need to go over there ion care. I'm staying with you." I say leaning down giving her a kiss
"Ok." She says smiling softly

We don't move looking each other in the eye, I move her closer to me and she breaks eye contact causing me to chuckle.

"You're so beautiful baby." I say smiling softly at her
"Thank you baby, you don't look too bad yourself." She teases as we pull away a bit
"Mm." I hum as I place a kiss on her lips
"You're so obsessed with me." She says smiling
"I thought you knew that already?" I say as she jokingly pull away so we can finish shopping

We finish shopping, go to checkout and pay before heading to the care to go back home.

Time Skip

"You wanna do my hair first or do you want me to start cooking?" I say as Coco sit in my lap as I sit on the couch
"I wanna do your hair first because when we eat I'm not gon feel like it." She says giving me a kiss
"Mmm ok. Come here." I say licking my lips
"Hm?" She says smiling knowing what I want

I pull her down to my lips kissing her, while gently caressing her thighs as we kiss.

"Mmmm ok imma go get the stuff, you sit on the floor." She says kissing my lips once more before we pull away
"Ok." I say licking my lips as she gets up

I grab the remote sliding on the floor with my back against the couch. Coco comes back with our hair container and sits behind me with her legs on side of me.

"You got a lot of hair." She says taking it out the bun it was in
"Yeah, I think I need a trim." I say massaging her feet
"I'll do it once you take these down." She says parting my hair
"Ok." I say

Time Skip

She ended up putting rubber bands then twisting them so they can last longer.

"Thank you baby." She says as I reach her the plate of food i made her
"Your welcome my love." I say sitting down on the couch

We finished eating dinner then put on some music and vibed from there.

"Come dance with me." She says holding my hand
"Aight." I say hearing her voice through the speakers

I twirl her around so that her back is against my front as we sway taking eachother in.

I need you.

What do you thinkkk?

It's just something slight.
I have so many drafts it's ridiculous! 😭

And y'all request are some of them so pls give me some time to finish them up.

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