Safe Place - Christina Alonso

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Prompt: You and Christina has been together for a little over 2 years and she sees you as her safe place.


"Mm." I hum feeling her fingers caressing my body
"Good morning baby." Chris says kissing my head
"Good morning, bub. You're up early." I say giving her a kiss
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep much so I made us some breakfast." She says pointing to the nightstand
"I thought I was the cooker in the relationship." I tease making her laugh
"Oh you are, but I can do a little something." She says laughing pecking my lips
"Well let me go brush my teeth and I'll be right back." I say smiling softly getting out of bed
"Amazing view." She says loudly
"I bet it is." I say laughing

I brush my teeth and wash my face before going back to bed. We eat before laying back in bed cuddling, kissing here and there.

"Come here." I say pulling her to lay on top of me
"Mmm I love the feeling you bring to me." She says smiling as I kiss her all over her face lingering
"I'm surprised they didn't call you in." I say caressing her face and hair
"It's just making 7 so give it maybe a few minutes to an hour and I'll get the message." She says rubbing my side
"You know Chris you mean a lot to me." I say giving her a kiss
"You mean so much more to me Y/n/n." She says smiling softly

A few minutes later and her phone goes off making us laugh before she grabs it getting ready to go.

"I ever told you how beautiful you look." I say watching her get ready
"I don't think so." She teases smiling
"Well Chris you are a sight for sore eyes." I say and I see her blush
"Thank you baby." She says giving me a kiss
"You got lunch in the fridge. Be safe please. And come back home to me." I say as she combs her fingers through my hair
"Always. See you later." She says kissing my lips then my forehead before leaving the house

I fall back into bed smiling softly before my phone goes off.

"Hello?" I say into my phone
"Y/n, since you're not coming in today. Where's the keys to the building." Trey asks me
"The restaurant should be open around back because the delivery was just sent inside and the keys are in my office draw to the left." I explain to him and says okay before hanging up

I set my phone down and play with my necklace for a bit before turning on the tv.

Christina's POV:

"You've been happy lately. What's her name?" Street says as I'm placing my lunch in the fridge
"Why assume I'm in a relationship." I asks eating some grapes
"Well, you smile at you're phone a lot this past year. And when you're phone rings you start smiling also. You've have a glow this year. And well you're not pregnant." Deacon says walking in the kitchen
"Oh yeah?" I asks eating grapes and they nod
"You should bring her to Deacon's barbecue?" Hondo says drinking some water
"I mean if there was a she, is she invited?" I asks Deacon and he nods
"What's she like?" Vic asks
"Oop, the jobs calling." I say exiting the kitchen getting a call from my baby

"Missing me already." I asks smiling softly


"Missing me already." She says and I can hear her smiling
"Of course, I'm always missing you when you're not around me." I say smiling
"Everything okay?" She asks
"No everything is fine. I just wanted to know what you want for dinner." I asks and she chuckles
"You know it doesn't matter to me, pretty girl. Is that all." She says making me blush
"I kinda just wanted to hear you're voice again. Days off can be a pain without you." I say blushing a bit
"Well, I want you to take a nap. And catch up on some things that you've been meaning to do and maybe listen to some music while you're at it." She says soothingly
"Best girlfriend ever." I say and she laughs
"Ok baby I've got go so see you later." She says lowly
"See you later, pretty girl." I say before hanging up

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