Who is Boboiboy

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Third person Pov~

Its been like 18 hours Boboiboy isn't come back. They all worry about him. Ochobot and Tok Aba is the one who most worrying about Boboiboy. They just hope that nothing bad happen meanwhile the Geng go find him around the city and nothing be found...

Ying: Yaya! There is one place we didn't search.

Yaya: Eh really! Where?

Ying: I will send the location to everyone! See you there.

Yaya: Hmh!

Skippy Timeline~

They all is at the location and look at the place that look like have a big fight!

Ying: Some kind of gun being use.

Fang: And a Sword...

Gopal: Is that Cakram?

Yaya: Its Hot! *Touch the Cakram*

Ying: I found the bullet!

Fang: The bullet look like from the Paralyzer Gun.

Yaya: Why does this place full of vines and the ground is cracking a bit... Its wasn't like the previous picture.

Gopal: This might be a Monster with a gun and a hammer hand!!! Wahhh!

Ying: Oi! There is nothing like that lah!

Fang: Hmmm... This is most weirdest place and things...

Yaya: …

???: I'm sorry for disturbing but... What are you guys doing?

All: Eh! Boboiboy?

Boboiboy: Boboiboy? Who's Boboiboy?

Gopal: Its you! What happen to you? You look different?

Ying: And What's up with the colour? You actually love orange but you are full with brown now.

Boboiboy: Actually my name is Gempa and I don't quite sure about what is happening. Sorry.

Yaya: Its fine, Boboi- Gempa! Did you know what happen the last things before... You find us?

Gempa: Actually, I remember I and six person look like me fighting with somebody but they just gone and we seven start to fight each other about... We are real Boboiboy? I don't know. It was like we are trying to implying something...

All: ...

Gempa: Can you tell me what are you doing here?

Ying: ...Oh... We are here to find Boboiboy. But from the story of yours... We don't know anymore.

???: Who are you!?

All: Eh!

Gempa: Its you!

???: What!?

Fang: And this one look like edgy version of him.

???: What did you jus said!?

Gempa: Sorry for the interfere but... I... Nevermind. What is your name, sir?

Gopal: You are to polite for your own good. Ack!

Ying: *Smack Gopal Head* Shut up La!

???: ... I... I think my name is Hali...? Or Halilintar? I don't remember...

Fang: How come?

Hali: Don't ask me you knock of Hedgehog!

Fang: What did you said!?

Gempa: I... Might regret this but Who are you guys?

???: Yea! I see you guys talking but didn't tell we all about your name?

Gopal: And who might you be?

???: Taufan! Taufan at your service!

Gopal: I am The Greatest Captain of this Group name Gopal! Now will be you new boss!

Hali: And, why!? You don't need to tell me what to do bi-

Gempa: Hali... Right? Please. Use more convenience word, okay? *Dark Aura*

Hali: F-Fine! Whatever.

Yaya: Okay... My name is Yaya, this is Ying, and Fang, that is Gopal. We are searching for Boboiboy...

Ying: And if you guys didn't mind... Are you okay with following us?

Trio Ori: We are okay with it.

Yaya: So please follow us!

All: This is very weird...

To be continue~

Me: How was the chapter, pals?

Gempa: Why are you smile like that?

Me: Well... I just wanna ask about something!

Gempa: Okay!

Me: What are you guys think:

1) When we study we be clever or more idiot?

2) We study something that already been Finish.

3) The point of study is pointless or useful?

4) The more things we learn the more things we just find out.

5) The point of the Phone is to make our study more better but the things is different from the expectation.

6) Why does we trying to solve something that already Finished!

Gempa: ... You should stop seing the facts from YouTube... Its starting to give me vibe...

Me: Okay... Please vote the story!

Gempa: And have a nice day!

UwU and Gempa out~

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