10-Heat Stroke

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The water felt really good. That's when I realized how hot it was outside. It must have been at least 100 degrees, and the lake was making the air humid. I walked as far into the lake as the rope would let me, which was only up to my knees. I splashed around to try and get some of the water onto my face and head. I didn't succeed. The sun was beating down and I needed water badly. I tried to call out for some, but my throat was too dry. I walked back to the tree where I was tied, because at least it was shaded. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Connor running toward me with a worried look in his eyes.
I woke up on an old couch. Once I remembered what happened, I bolted upright. "Water! I need water!" Then I passed out again.
I was shaken awake by Connor. "Here, I brought water." He helped me sit up and I grabbed the water bottle and drank the whole thing in 3 gulps. He handed me another one. This went on until I had finished five water bottles. I noticed a rag next to me on the couch. I picked it up and it was wet. "I tried to cool you down," Connor explained. "You had a head stroke and passed out." I stared at him agape before composing myself and thanking him. I noticed that we were inside the cabin, and I was not tied up.
Bill and Joe came in after I finished my sixth water bottle. Bill handed Connor a stack of cash, and I noticed he and Joe also had a pile as well. Bill also had the duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "Do. You think she'll be ok to make the trip?"
"Ya, and I don't think we'll have to tie her up in the car, at least not yet. Dehydration makes you pretty weak, and I don't think she's fully recovered yet," Connor explained. It was true. I didn't feel like I could escape even if there was a way. "We're going to see grandpa," he told me as he helped me back to the van.

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