1-Rude Awakening

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My green eyes closed on the final wisps of red from the setting sun. I missed the warmth of Alabama as I pulled two more mustard yellow blankets over her head. I wasn't just cold, I was trying to sleep and my parents were blasting their oldies music through the car. Drifting to sleep, I vaguely heard my parents tell me they were heading into a store and would leave the old gray minivan running, then fell asleep.
"And then bring the statue out to the car. We'll take it back to the cabin and contact a willing buyer." I blinked open my eyes, still half asleep. Was I dreaming that there was someone else in the car? Bump! The car jolted me from my comfortable position curled up in the back of the car. I sat up slowly, then let out a gasp and jumped back. There were three guys in the front of the car! Everyone was silent as they turned to look at me. The only noise was the rumble of the car on the highway and the distant sound of a motorcycle.
"Who was that?" cried the driver. Under his black beanie you could make out messy brown hair.
"I don't know," said the guy in the passenger's seat. His neat blond hair was slicked back.
"Yeah, there was no one in here before. I think she was hiding under the blankets," proclaimed a boy that looked close to my age. He had light brown hair that was slightly messed and the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. Before I was fully awake, I overhead that they were, in that order, Bill, Joe, and Connor. I twirled my long auburn hair nervously as I waited to see what the strangers would do next. My parents were nowhere in sight and I couldn't recognize where I was in the darkness, only that I was moving. Then the driver, Bill, grumbled, "Get a rope and tie her up. She's already seen too much. We'll take her to our cabin and decide what to do with her there."

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