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    Bullet shots. I woke up to the sound of bullet shots. What was happening? Where was I? I blinked open my eyes. The TV in the dusty living room was flashing red and black. It was just a video game. Connor was at the controls, facing away from me. Quietly, I turned my head towards the window. The car wasn't back yet. This would be the perfect time for an escape. I got off the chair and tiptoed to the door. Thankfully, the floor did not creak. Although, in my haste, I let go of the door and it closed with a slam. I heard Connor yell. I got it into my mind that I was running for my life, which I may or may not have been, and ran into the woods. My original plan was to stay along the road until I found someone with a phone, but I was too exposed to Connor to do that now. Once I ran past the first tree I heard the door to the trailer slam again. Connor was after me, and I was going to have to run.
    I stopped next to a large oak tree to rest. I was panting and sweat was running down my face. I looked down at my legs. They were all cut up from the bushes and sticks I ran through. How far had I run? I looked around. I could see nothing but trees and bushes. I heard a twig break in the distance behind me, so I started running again. After another ten minutes of running, I spotted an old wooden cabin near a small stream. I didn't hear any signs of Connor, and I was utterly exhausted, so I walked up the two rickety steps and knocked on the door. There was no answer. I tried the door, and it opened. It was cozy looking inside despite its haggard outward appearance. There was a small bed with a sunflower blanket and above the small sink the words "Home Sweet Home" were framed. And then I saw it: there was a cord phone on the small table! Praying that it would work, I rushed over and dialed "911." Someone picked up.
    "911 what's your emergency?"
    "Help! I'm being held hostage by the people who robbed the bank on Main Street! I've run to a small cabin and-" I was stopped abruptly by a cloth that was stuffed into my mouth. Someone grabbed my arms.
    "Hello, Pen. Thought you could get away from me, did you?" Connor ended the call and set the phone down. I tried to twist away from his group, but it was iron. I may have underestimated him. He took a line of rope off his shoulder and tied my hands in front of me. About five feet of rope was leading out from my binds. Connor yanked it and I was pulled forward.
    "MMMMPH!" I was forced outside and we headed back towards the trailer. I had hope though. It sounded like my call had gone though, not I just hoped they would know where to find me.

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