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I decided to speak up, or at least try. I wanted to ask, 'Where are we going?' But the cloth in my mouth made it come out as, "Ere are e owing?"
"Did our little hostage try to say something?" Bill squawked from the wheel. "Let her speak, Connor!" Connor reached over and pulled the cloth from out of my mouth, and it fell loosely around my neck like an ugly necklace.
"I said, WHERE ARE WE GOING!" I had enough of being tied to the seat. This along with sitting in the car going home from Alabama, I needed to stretch my legs badly, and my situation was making me even more frustrated.
"Listen here, Miss," Bill said in a serious voice. "You were not a part of our plan, but now we have to take you along. You've seen us steal your car and rob a museum. I don't know if we can let you go." I drew in a sharp breath. Were they planning to kill me? "You will come to out hideout with us and be our hostage until we figure out what to do with you." I felt sick to my stomach; this was not how I wanted to die. "We obviously won't kill you," Bill continued. "Connor would be irate." I looked over at Connor. His face was fire red and he turned away to the window.
"What do you mean?" I asked timidly.
Joe piped up, "While we were running into the museum Connor said you were cute."
"No I didn't!" Connor cried out, his face even redder.
"I think someone's got a crush," Bill teased. I decided to stay silent. I didn't even know this boy. Sure, he had his looks, but he's a no-good thief! Besides, I didn't want to hurt my chances of staying alive.
"We're here. No need to hide the loot, there isn't anyone twenty miles of this place," Bill explained about thirty minutes later as we pulled up to an old trailer. It was a sickest green color, but the paint was peeling to reveal an even worse color of orange.
"What do we do with the girl?" Joe asked.
"I don't know!" Exclaimed Bill, clearly back into heist mode, swinging the artifact bag over his shoulder and heading towards the trailer. "Just don't let her escape."

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