Chapter 19

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"Oh, Hello Tohru" Karin smiled as she opened the door, her eyes wide on seeing the girl especially as she wore all black "Are you here to see Rin?" Karin smiled welcoming the girl in

"Yes, I hope I'm not intruding" Tohru bowed as Karin simple smiled back at the girl before she remembered the last time. 

"Tohru..." Karin trailed off as she looked towards the girl, thinking if she should say anything about what happened with Shigure "How come you're in black?" Karin said changing the subject

"It's the anniversary of my mother's death so I visited her grave" Tohru smiled as Karin's eyes widened looking at the women

"It's her anniversary," Karin said her eyes falling as she looked to the ground "Kyoka" Karin muttered as Tohru's eyes widened 

"How did you know her na-" 

"Oh Tohru" Kazuma smiled as he stood in the sitting room the two women turned to see Kazuma standing there before Karin dumbfounded on seeing the shadow of Kagura behind the door. 

"I'm assuming you're visiting Isuzu?" Kazuma asked as Tohru simple nodded and smiled at the man before Karin looked toward her 

"Your welcome to go up and see her" Karin smiled while Tohru simple signed and bowed towards the two adults before walking upstairs. Karin turned

"You can come out not Kagura" Karin simple sighed loudly and Kagura simple looked away while Karin looked at her husband with a raised eyebrow

"What's wrong? Are you avoiding her because you fought?" Kazuma asked as Karin looked back at the teen.

"Not a fight, It's more complicated than that" Kagura simple said while Karin simple sighed as she sat down beside the table "I don't think I can see her after everything, I feel like if I see her face she will be the winner and I will be the loser" 

"Ahhh! This is so frustrating!" Kagura shouted before she punched the door to pieces as Karin simple sighed loudly at the destruction of the house

"Your right, That does sound complicated" Kazuma smiled while Karin looked at him annoyed at not saying anything about the mess

"Hey, What about the door-" Karin said standing up before she was cut off

"Only if she got together with Kyo already, I could move on!" Kagura shouted as Karin's eyes widened as she looked at the teen

"Do you think she loves Kyo?" Karin asked moving towards her husband, her eyes filled with concern while Kagura looked at the two adults.

"What?! Why wouldn't she love him!" Kagura said before she started destroying the walls of the house as Karin simple sweatdropped

"I'm just a bit worried, I hope she loves Kyo for the right reasons rather than just pity and for the person he is," Kazuma said while Karin sighed loudly and grabbed her husband's hand as a source of comfort. 

"Hey There," Karin smiled as she walked through the graveyard, a black trench coat covering her as she held a bottle of wine in her hand "Old friend" She smiled as she sat in front of the grave. 

"You won't believe how mature your daughter has become" Karin smiled as she had a glass of wine in her hand and an untouched one beside the grave "I never thought I would get to meet her the way that I did" She giggled

"I wished I had known, I would have helped her Kyoka. I truly would have" Karin sighed looking towards the ground as she sat. "Or I wished we had a few more drinks and became even better friends" Karin frowned

"I was just too focused on my own life, I never once considered yours. You helped Kyo so much and I couldn't help you" Karin frowned as tears strung her eyes 

"Another person is gone because I was so selfish," Karin said before bringing her knees to herself as she cried into them "You, My sister, my baby" She cried hugging herself

"Karin" A voice stated as the brown-haired women's eyes widened as her head shot up, filled with tears as she looked to meet the orange hair of Kyo.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" Kyo said shocked to see the women here Karin simple frowned as she looked down. 

"I was just visiting someone," Karin said before she stood up and wiped her eyes as Kyo looked towards the adult in concern before he held out a cloth of sorts. 

"It's not mine, It was in my pocket" Kyo muttered looking away as Karin simple smiled and took the cloth and wiped her eyes as Kyo simple turned back to the women

"Who were you visiting?" Kyo asked before he looked down his eyes widened looking at the grave as Karin sighed loudly looking to see the shock on his face. 

"Kyo.." Karin trailed off looking at the boy who wore an expression filled with guilt as Karin looked at him

"When are you going to tell Tohru that you knew her mother?" Karin asked looking toward the boy with a serious expression as Kyo still wore a horrified expression

"I-I can't. It was me... It was my fault just like before" Kyo barely managed to say as Karin's eyes widened as she looked at the boy.

"Kyo!" Karin shouted, anger filling her eyes as she grabbed the boy by the arm tightly "You are not to blame! You were never at fault!" Karin shouted in the boy's face.

"K-Karin" Kyo muttered before he looked up his eyes widened on seeing the ghost of both Kyoka Honda and his mother behind Karin. 

"G-Get off me!!" Kyo screamed pushing the woman off before her eyes widened as she fell onto the floor and the red wine got knocked over as well as went all over her.

"K-Karin I'm sorry" Kyo muttered before his eyes widened seeing the women on the floor, the red wine looked like blood to him before he saw Kyoka honda's body again

'K-Karin will end up the same, She will get hurt because of me' Kyo thought as Karin looked up to see the horror still on his face. 

"Kyo!" Karin shouted snapping the boy out of his thoughts before he soon ran, he ran away as Karin's eyes widened looking at the boy as he ran, her eyes wide in fear and hurt. 

"Kyo!" Karin shouted once again before she looked towards the grave and soon rain began to pour down "Oh great!" Karin shouted before standing up. 

"I have to get home and ring Kyo, Check he is okay," Karin said to herself as she walked the streets as it rained, on her way to the main estate before she bumped into someone

"Ah!" She yelped loudly falling to the ground as well as the other person as Karin sighed again looking at the mud on her coat and dress "Damn it, Watch where you're going- Akito" Karin said eyes wide

"Y-You!" Akito shouted standing up as Karin's eyes widened before she slowly stood up, she looked towards the head in concern

"Are you okay? You looked stressed" Karin said in concern reaching out her hand in concern as Akito's eyes widened in horror.

"Don't touch me! You are as disgusting as her! You left me! You as much to blame as everyone else!" Akito yelled towards the older woman as Karin's eyes were wide looking at her "I wanted you to be a mother! I needed you to be a mother! You're horrible, You're disgusting! " Akito shouted before she ran off, leaving the women's eyes wide

"What, What have I done," Karin said eyes wide as she sat in the rain. 

"Karin! Karin!" Kazuma shouted coming towards the door, Rin following him their eyes filled with concern as they looked at the woman who simply stood there soaked as her eyes were filled with dread. 

"Where have you been, Are you okay?" Kazuma asked, his eyes were wide with concern as he looked at her.

"It's my fault, Everything's my fault" Karin cried before she soon fell forwards, Kazuma's eyes widened as the woman fell into his arms.

"Karin" Kazuma said holding the woman as Rin's eyes were wide in shock looking at the scene before looking at the man

"Should we tell her about Tohru?"

Guardian (Kazuma x Oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant