Welcome to the Capitol!

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Wow, I have been so extremely busy lately!! With school starting back up and going to America for a vacation, so I have not updated for months and I am so sorry, as you all would know the holidays are the busiest days we have. But my trip is another story for another time and you clicked on this to read the new chapter so I hope you enjoy and please Fan, Vote and Comment. :) Cheers, Kelly.

I wake up early in the morning at about five or six and it takes me a few deep breaths before I manage to push the blankets off of me. The silk feels so relaxing and almost makes me fall asleep again. Back in District 12 we would never, ever have anything silk in our home or shop, let alone a bed. I rub my eyes and feel my hands, their moist. I had cried in my sleep. I take a moment to cry a little before I hop up on two feet and take in a good yawn before advancing to my dresser. I pull it open and find neatly folded clothing of all different colours. I pull out a dark blue shirt with white pearls neatly on the hem of it. I had only ever seen pearls in my life once and that was when the Capitol brought in a film to educate us about District 4. I decide not to wear it as it seems to flash for my liking. I then pull out a purple short-sleeved shirt that has buttons going down the centre of it and throw it on the floor.

Just as I find a nice Lime Green T-Shirt and put it on, Grebes comes in. Grebes is a small cat that has hazel and white fur and despite having one black eye and one blue eye, he is still cute. Grebes, despite having a girl’s name is a boy. Grebes is Lori's cat. I know this as last year she brought him to the Reaping. She didn’t this year as apparently he has stage fright. “Dumb cat.” I say shoving him to which he hisses at me. I poke my tongue out at him and he hisses again. I quickly put on nice dark blue jeans on and I open my bedroom door to find Chole sitting on the couch teary. I walk over to her and sit down.

“Chole” I say unsure how to handle the situation.

“Hey Haydn” She responds glancing at me.

“Are you alright”

“I hope so”

“It’s alright to be upset, I miss home too”

“It’s not just home, it’s where will be in two weeks, where the sound of a cannon means rejoice, where fighting is good, a place where ninety-six people go in but only one will come out.”

Our conversation is interrupted when Psyde and Jule come out of their rooms, they come over to the lounge and sit down with us.

“Hello” Jule says.

“Hey” I say.

Those are the last spoken words before we sit in silence for an hour. I didn’t like the small talk but the silence was worse, much worse. So I spoke.

“Do you want to watch the reapings?”

The answer came quickly.

We started at District 13. The escort walks up to the podium and does the boring old speech that I have grown so sick of. Then he draws the names, “Amber Kashiddon, Lirina Marriot, Machael Ludwig, and Knox Statt.”

I grew tired of the reapings and so did Chole, I went back into my room and sit down and think for a while. About everything. I sigh before forcing myself to take a shower. I hit the button that says nice and hot, before my muscles are loosened with the hot water. I stay in for a good ten minutes and then I hop out, dry off and put my clothes back on again. To my surprise and avox is cleaning my room. I walk away and enter the kitchen.

“Hello.” I say walking in to them. “Oh, hello Haydn.” Says Jeol while eating a burger. Psyde gives me and quick glance and nod before turning back and pigging out again. What a pig! I think to myself.”Psyde!” Exclaims Lori, “No need to pig out.” Psyde takes no notice of Lori and keeps pigging out even more than before. I take a seat next to Chole and give her a small smile. She doesn’t smile back. “So.” Jeol says looking at us so we know to pay attention.

“First thing is first. Today we arrive in the Capitol, you need to make sure you smile and wave when we arrive, you will also need to act happy to be there. The audience loves a good show, and also this will get you sponsors, which may save your life.”

“How will they notice us? There are 96 of us after all.” says Chole.

“You get noticed. That’s how.” Jeol replies

“But how?” I hear Jule ask.

“Well in my games I just acted happy to be there and showed off my survival skills as much as possible.” He explains to us.

“Thanks, Jeol you’re a big-“

Gasp. Cough! Cough! Cough! I hear Psyde choking before coughing out a piece of sausage. Serves him right, I think to myself trying not to grin.

“See, he just got noticed by being an idiot. Chole just make a good impression.” Jule says with an annoyed tone in her voice.

“Your right Jule. But don’t go being a fool because that will just get you enemies in the arena and trust me you don’t need them.” Jeol says.

Chole nods to this. I remember watching several games where tributes had enemies. In one of them between the 80th and 90th games where a girl from 10 became enemies with the girl from 4. The arena in that game was an island with a factory in it. The girl from 10 got tied up and how she was tortured was so gruesomely that the gamemakers had to censor the kill.

“Who should we ally with?” Jule asks.

“Don’t ally with the tributes from 1, 2, 4 and 19, the career districts as they will backstab you. You could ally with 10 or 23. They usually are happy to ally as they never win much so they will take up the team and probably won’t backstab you, but it never hurts to go off on your own or to team with your district partners.” Jeol replies.

“I just want to go in it and win.” Jule says.

I give her a look to remind her what she just said.

“I’ve got dream I want to live out and things I want to do in my life, even if that means killing a bunch of tributes.” She says trying to tone down her rude comment.

“You get two weeks to train before you have to go into the arena. Make the most of that time to master a weapon, but you should also focus on survival skills.” Jeol says.

“Hey guys!” Psyde starts. “We are here.”

I look out of my window to see buildings flash by and then the train slows down to a holt. I run up to the window with Jule, Chole and Psyde and wave and smile. The capitol likes a good show. Peacekeepers usher people out of the way as we immerge from the train with Lori, Psyde and of course Grebes. We keep walking through the crowd until we reach a point where all the tributes meet up and continue walking.

“Oh my god, this place looks amazing.” I hear a career girl say.

“You are so, so right Cynthiea.” A boy that I assume to be Ceth says.

“Ashlette, it’s ok. Just stay strong.” A girl from six says, while mockingly laughing to her district partner.

“Kecia, shut up!” Ashlette says.

“Oh we’ve got a feisty one here.” Krois says mocking Ashlette and inviting his career allies to the conversation.

“Oh yeah. I reckon she won’t make night one.” Qine says, smiling at her.

“Bitch!” Ashlette shouts to Qine.

“Well, well, well Ashlette. We will make sure you won’t make night one.” Rovel threatens.

I decide my safety is more important than hers so I just shut my mouth and walk.

“Keira” I hear my escort saying as she smiles and hugs the escort from District 13.

The time flashes by and before I know it I am standing at the huge glass doors that are used to enter the giant building that we will live and work in for the two weeks before the games begins. I swallow deeply and get ready for the nightmares to begin.

The 100th Hunger GamesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora