Rise and Shine!

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When I woke up in the morning, in my house in District 12, I try to go back to sleep but I suddenly realise that today is the Day of the Reaping, and not only that but it is a quarter quall. The moment I get this thought my head, my hand graspes my pillow and I kick the thin sheet of blanket I sleep under every night, off of me. I sit up in my bed and run my fingers through my dirty brown hair; I examine my dirty fingernails out of nervousness, and notice and remember that I had chewed them last night. At that moment I remember the horrible nightmare I had last night.

I was running through a cornfield and then a vase smashed and suddenly I was at the Reaping, my name was called, I remember the pain and the fear when I heard our District's escort, Lori call out my name 'Haydn Ovase' I remember walking up to the stage in a trance with everyone's eyes on me; my teacher Ms Oki and my friend Dev staring at me like I was a Dead Man Walking. It was that moment in the dream that I knew I was going to die.

I stepped up to the stage and Lori smiled. Then her face twisted into a demonice snarl and then I had woken up.

I sighed in relief, realising that out of all the boys in my District the odds were that I would not be picked as I was just one, and that I had only once ever put my name up for Tesserae. That was when I was 13 so my name was in the glass bowl 12 times.

I pulled myself off of my bed and I walked into my twin sister's room, Belina was still sleeping, her hazel hair covering her face, I then gave a smile at her even though she was annoying and an idiot sometimes, but I still had to live with her, I walked into the room in which we eat our meals in and looked around everything seemed normal in the room; but nothing was normal.

I walked into my parents bedroom where my mum was still sleeping, and just like Belina her hair was covering her face too.

I always think that Belina is my mum's twin and not mine, of course I know that Belina is my twin sister. But she looks so much like my mother that the thought is never far away. Belina sometimes thinks that mum loves her more because of that, but I just remind her that I was born first and that normally shuts her up.

I go back into my room and get changed into a black T-Shirt and camo pants that go down to my ankles.

While I live in a poorer District my family still is quite wealthy, we can afford to buy bread from the baker, I'm not allowed to tell my friends this, last time I did it started a fight and I got into trouble.

I head out of the front door and I jog down to the Town Square, where lots of people are passing by. A lady is opening the curtains for her shop, a mining siren goes off and a group of miners head towards the mine.

While most men work in the mines or as merchants my Dad is a Geologist that also helps the mayor out with his scedule for extra money.

I walk into the bakery that my friend Dev's family owns.

"Hello" I say, remembering that in a few hours the reaping will begin.

"Hello, Haydn" Dev's Father says, sounding worried.

"What would you like today?" He asks, while walking behind the counter and putting on some gloves. After that he looks up at me.

"One loaf of Bread please, Mr Robyns."

"Sure thing" He replies and opens a panel and pulls out a loaf of Bread. I hand him some money and take my leave.

Mr Robyns or Gru, is in his mid 40s. But he looks older then that, as his face is covered in wrinkles. He barely has any hair as it is shaved in the traditional army style. I only know this as we watched a video on the Dark Days yesterday at school. Speaking of School since today is the Reaping we won't have school even though it is a Friday.

I walk up the hill towards my house, after 10 minutes of thinking about the Reaping, I arrive home to find Belina sitting on the couch, sobbing and my mother comferting her.

I walk over to the counter and put down the bread. I then walk outside and start talking to my dad, who is sitting down. I approach my Dad and start a conversation, but with the approaching reaping, I find this very awkward.

"Hi Dad" I say and wait for a response,

"Take a seat" My Dad softly says, I press myself onto the log he is sitting on, it feels rock hard, but I don't really mind.

"Listen to me son" He Continues. I don't bother to say anything.

"If you get picked you get out there and win he says" I nod.

"Do it for yourself, and for your mother and I, and for your sister,"

"I will Dad" I respond.

"I love you" He says hugging me, I grab tight not wanting to let go, but I must have fallen asleep somehow because I open my eyes to find myself lying in bed with Mum waking me.

"Haydn" She says. I move around a little and look towards her, she has pulled some clothes out and put them on-top of my dresser.

"You need to put these on" she starts to speak, before pausing and then continuing;

"The Reaping starts in an hour."

The shock hits me, what if I get picked, or Belina, or Dev. I get out of bed as my mother leaves the room. Quickly I get changed into the clothes, surprisingly the hour flies by and we arrive at the Reaping.

"Next" The Lady shouts while checking fingerprints of children. 

"Next" she shouts again and the girl infront of me gets her fingerprint checked, I manage to see her name "Jule Morphe", I also see that she is 16 years old. A picture of her gets displayed moments after I see her infomation, She has vibrant blonde hair and is roughtly the same height as I am, she has Hazel eyes and thin curved eyebrows.

"Next" the Lady calls out and I snap out of the trance I was just in.

Moments later I find a spot in a crowd and watch as the escort walks up to the podium.

Her name is Lori, she has been the District 12 escort since they made Districts 13-24 when the 79th Hunger Games took place, she wears a frilly lime green dress with white lacing at her neck and hem. She wears Indian Green high-heels and a very fake looking Dark Green Curly wig.

She taps on the microphone to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome, Welcome" She calls out,

Oh no, not this crap again, I think to myself.

"We shall now commence the Reaping for the 100th annual Hunger Games",

"We have a special film for you brought all the way from the Captial."

"But first." Lori announces, I wonder what she is going to say.

"As you all know, this year is a quater quall." The shock hits home hard.

How could I have been so stupid, I think to myself, I forgot it's a Quater Quall, which basically means it will be more torturous for all those involved in it. Lori pulls out an envelope and tears it open and reads it to herself and her mouth forms a circle and she gasps, and looks at District 12. It's only then I realise, these Games won't be fun.

The 100th Hunger GamesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora