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You gave me a million reads 
so I mean, really, this is the least I can do.
Consider this my Dominic Fox favour, from me to you...

Consider this my Dominic Fox favour, from me to you

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He just shuffled slightly, looking up at me with a pair of bright blue eyes that were almost unnerving. My assertive tone caught at the back of my throat.

"I'm afraid that this isn't a safe area..."

He paused momentarily.

There was something about the way that he swayed almost sluggishly, his right hand buried in his pocket, the other swinging by his side almost limply. I studied the absent look on his face, my expertise picking out a slight twitch of his moustache, his thin lips pressing together as if he was trying to put his thoughts together. I tilted my head, letting out a short breath.

"Sir, I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave and go to a safe area." I slowly moved forward but stopped when the man flinched suddenly as if my movements were agitating me. My eyes narrowed very slightly. I didn't have to have a doctorate in Psychology to know that something wasn't quite right around here. "We're on lock-down... I'd be happy to escort you to a private area..."

"I didn't mean to."

His voice was almost inaudible, making my forehead crinkle as I barely caught the end of his sentence. Eyebrows drawing downwards, I stared at him, watching as he shuffled once again, looking uncomfortably. Instinctively, my eyes strayed to the hand hidden in his pocket. This movement was discreet; now this was suspicious. Derek had shut the hospital down for a reason. Threats were a good reason.

"Pardon, Mr..?"

"Mr Clark." He said, his voice raising slightly, enough for me to nod slowly. Mr Clark... Mr Clark- Didn't Derek mention a Mr Clark in passing? I recognized the name, but at that moment, I didn't know where from. "I-uh- I said that I didn't mean to."

Asystole ✷ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now