𝟬𝟯𝟱  oh, baby!

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My words had fallen to deaf ears— he fixed me with a heavy glare and crossed his arms over his chest. I sucked in a little surprised hiccup of breath, my skin bristling with the heat of his voice. 

I couldn't help but shrink away from him, taking a long breath— my cheeks burned and I raised my hands.

"Hear me out-"


He looked away, visibly trying to keep his temper together. I'd grown to recognise his emotional ticks; he kept his attention down on the medical chart he was updating. We were in an office, the door shut behind us as I attempted to push forward a certain topic as carefully and gently as I could. 

From his reaction, I'd failed.


"No," His mouth was in a thin, curt line and panic raced through me. This had gone exactly how I'd feared. "I don't want to hear it—"

"No- Listen-"

"How could you even—" 

He paused for a second, his voice faltering. For a moment, I thought he was going to cry. I moved forward, placing a hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off— He pinched his nose and exhaled loudly.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't even begin to make up for what you've done."

I bit my bottom lip, knowing that he was right.

The door softly opened behind us and I turned to find a frowning Derek, tentatively peering into the room. He looked between the two of us, opened his mouth and then closed it, seeming to not know what to say. 

The air was tense, I could see him bristle with the atmosphere— mood slightly fouled, I gave my ex-brother-in-law a questioning look, eyebrows pitched almost into my hairline.

"What?" My tone was hard and scalded.

Again, Derek looked between the two of us, looking very cautious. "Is everything okay?"

"Nope." He still refused to look at me.

"Everything's fine," I insisted with determination.

"No, it's not." Another angry interjection.

Derek raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"


"She's not," Finally, he looked at me. "Do you want to tell him what you did?"

My blood froze. 

My eyes suddenly fixed on the wall in front of me, my skin suddenly growing very warm. My heart stuttered in my chest— Did I want to tell Derek? 

No, no. Honestly, it was a mistake telling anyone. 

Addison's reaction had been jilted; she'd stared at me for a while over a coffee this morning, not quite knowing what to say.

I took a deep breath. It was my turn to avoid people's eyes.

"Fine— I'll tell him what you did—"


My words fell to deaf ears. 

I stared at him, hurriedly shaking my head back and forth. Derek was the last person I wanted to know. If he knew then I'd never heard the end of it. Addison had been a risk as it is, but she'd just sighed and shrugged after a prolonged moment of inner musing as if there were more pressing things to designate her disappointment towards. 

Asystole ✷ Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now