Chapter 15

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The hands of a clock remain steadfast as they move round the face of a clock.

They don't speed up nor do they slow down, it's really just your perception of what you are doing at the said time.

For Alayna the 15 minute drive, felt like an eternity.

She felt trapped within the car, that contained her "better half" and his constant glances.

The road remained the same, she was still going to face the man that she had once claimed to be her father.

Now she was on her way to dissolve that relationship once and for all.

A question popped into her mind, disrupting all her other thoughts, "When was the last time you prayed?"

She couldn't remember, she had spent her days crying over the vent up anger and vengeance that was building up within her. 

She was spiralling down the same path as Ayla.

Only this time, Alayna wasn't annoyed or angry at the situation she was thrown into, It allowed her to see through the curtain of deception that her father oh-so-well managed to mask for all these years.

The greed for revenge was blinding her eyes and maybe for good reasons as well.

The car jolted to a halt and she was faced with the house in which she had spent her childhood in. A childhood that was based on lies.

Truths were beginning to be unravelled, and there were a mountainous number of them.

Her feet had lead her to the door and with a heavy heart, as she knew what she would uncover today would hurt her further, she pushed the door.

The same door that had been pushed open to deliver Ayla's body before she was buried in her permanent home.

Murmurings, deep throated laughs and smoke were the first things Alayna noticed.

Whatever that was taking place wasn't any good.

She walked into the room that all these noises were coming from and found something she was expecting, yet it still managed to boil her blood.

Her father sat, a cigarette hanging from his mouth and a glass of brown liquid was in his glass.

It was clear what it is.

The room was clouded with smoke, as everyone had a cigarette or a cigar in their hand or their mouth. Alayna's gaze then went to her uncle, he was laughing jollily along with the other pot-bellied men, laughing at what you may ask?

His wife's reaction to having cigarettes burnt into her skin, her heart prickled with pain as she saw the tears that her aunt was shedding and the screams that left her heart.

Was this the exact same manner in which Ismail Hussain used to torture her mother?

Would she scream out for help like this and no one person would bother to respond to her pain filled pleas?

The men's attention was all drawn to the deer that was screaming for help, but Alayna's attention was on the playing cards that had carelessly left on the table along with the massive wads of cash.

There were many more piles of cash next to Ismail Hussain she noted, this was probably the money he got after selling her off and now he was gambling it all away.

No matter what big of a sin her mother had done, Alayna was sure it wasn't comparable to the evil that Ismail had completed in his life.

And that's when the seed of vengeance, planted another seed into her soul, she was going to kill Ismail Hussain as well.

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