Chapter 31

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Ok so quickly something related to the last chapter.


Ismail - A biatch with a small d*ck

Aleksei - A bigger biatch with a slightly bigger d*ck

Armaan - So a tricky one. He was a good one but he was a pussy ngl. He was low-highkey stupid. Like when he tried to convince Ismail that Ayla married him like what 🥴 and (very scary in my opinion) easily manipulated, what I imagine to take place before his marriage was for Zunair's mother to accuse him of impregnating her in front of her parents and he would accept after some pressuring.

Salman - Ok so when I was writing the other version this story was meant to go down, I wrote a passage, and I thought 'what if he liked her? ' I did think it was wrong but then after realising Alisha (I need totally change her name)  is a total bitch, so I was like that's fine if he likes, LIKES being the keyword, he was never in some sort of an emotional affair with her. He never voiced his feelings to her, she never knew. It was from afar. I feel like some people might come for me for saying this but idc.

So Salman's character isn't really explored and I never put much thought into it. But I do think of him as a simple man, someone who after years of being abused mentally can finally appreciate small things that bring him immense joy

I genuinely believe he was the right person for her, but it was the wrong time, but with the completely effed up circumstances, there was no chance for them to ever be together.

Maybe in some alternate universe.275

Bright blue skies, a beautiful blazing sun, not a cloud in sight.

Alayna was grateful for the weather, a slight breeze making it bearable to be out and about. 9 years had passed, she sat in remembrance of him. Yet he was beginning to fade from her memory, all she could remember as of now were whispered declarations and icy blue eyes.

Was there any hope that he was to come back now? Many years had come and gone, her heart grew fragile when she thought about him, it felt like it could shatter at any moment. She was delusional in love. Becoming a deewani in his love. It was inevitable, that she would reach such a state as her heart refused to move on and her mind kept bringing up the past. The way he looked at her, the way those cold blue eyes used to melt before her, it felt unrealistic that he had fallen so hard in a short amount of time. She felt that it was unrealistic that she had fallen for him too, especially after all that she had suffered at the hand of men around her.

But as she sat on the sand and watched the ocean battle with the shore, she was lost to her thoughts, nightmares had seized, guilt had passed and life was calm now.

Her eyes unfocussed as her thoughts consumed her.

She got up heading closer to the shore, the relentless waves coming back to meet her. A sudden strong breeze making her shiver, wrapping her arms around herself.

She stood strong after all that happened to her.

She stood straight even after every adversity.

She stood in the midst of the tabaahi that she had caused and yet did not regret, not once. Not even for a second.

It was always written for the weak woman's bahadur daughter to stand at this very shore.

To have witnessed the ruination of all whom who had attempted to destroy her and her mother.

For her to fight back in retaliation for both herself and her mother.

It was always written that she would burn the pages of history that they had existed in.

It was always written ✔️Where stories live. Discover now