Ch.9~That's So Cute!

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Niall's POV

I'm still staring at the roses with a stupid grin, that hasn't left my face since I left school, on my face when I hear my name.


Is that? Could it be? No it co-

Suddenly I'm engulfed in Liam's embrace, feeling the ever present tingles in my body that only he can evoke in me. I wrap my arms around him, squeezing him as tightly as I can in fear that he'll leave me again. Zayn's roses lay forgotten on my bed, my mind too preoccupied with the feeling of Liam's arms around me.

I breath in his smell, smiling into his neck. This is where I belong. This is my home right here.

"Niall, who are those roses from?"

Way to ruin the moment Li.

Sighing in defeat, knowing that I'll have to tell him, I let go of him. He does the same but his touch still lingers. We both sit down on my bed, looking at the flowers as if they'll answer his question. I look up only to meet Liam's questioning gaze. Pouting I run a hand through my hair but can't stop the small smile that makes it way to my lips.

"Zayn gave them to me." I whisper.

"What? I can't hear you."

"Zayn. Gave. Them. To. Me." I repeat louder this time.

"I'm sorry mate. Still can't hear you."

"Liii! I said that Zayn have them to me." I whine, not wanting to repeat myself again.

He smirks at me "You gotta speak up Ni. Use a louder voice."

He's making fun of me! How dare he!

"GODDAMN IT LIAM! I SAID THAT ZAYN GAVE THESE ROSES TO ME AS AN APOLOGY!!" I yell slightly frustrated at Liam by now.

"I'm sorry Niall. I couldn't help myself. Anyways, did he really apologize to you?" He asks looking sheepish. Why?

"Yeah he did. It was really sweet of him and they had a note attached to them." I admit.

His brown eyes light up in excitement at this "Let me see! Let me see!"

Eyeing him warily, I search around for the note, handing it to him once I've found it. His face shows no emotion whatsoever as he reads it over. Nothing in his eyes, no visible muscle movement on his face. Nothing. When he's done, he just looks at me. Just sits there, staring at me expressionless. Then,
"That's so cute!"

My eyes widen in surprise at his statement. I though he would explode in anger or something. Like he did this morning.

"Really? You're not mad?"

Liam cocks his head to the side "Why would I be mad?"

"This morning..." I trail off hoping he'll take the hint. He does.

"Oh! That," He scratches the back oh his head "I'm truly sorry about that Niall. I was just worried that Zayn would try to hurt you. I'm overprotective of you, like Greg. Sorry if I scared you, I promise it won't happen again. No matter what."

He looks so genuinely sorry that I decide to forgive him, why wouldn't I? "That's ok Liam, I understand."

We sit in a comfortable silence, Liam picking at the school uniform; he barely got here. Me, running the tips of my fingers delicately over the red petals. Completely at ease and worry-free. That is, until Liam speaks.

"Uh Ni? I have something for you." He hands me another note with a sly grin.

I scan it over, then look back up at the Wolverhampton boy.


* * *

*The Next Day*

"Are you sure about this Liam?"

"Totally, don't worry you'll be fine."

"What happened to being overprotective of me?"

"Trust me. You'll be safe." Liam replies with a wink.

Alright, if he says so. But if I end up dead he's taking all the blame. I straighten out my outfit one more time. Check my hair to make sure it's perfect, or as perfect as it can be, and glance at the clock. It's eight already. I give Liam a scared look which he ignores.

"You ready for your night out with Zayn?"

What is this? TWO updates in ONE week? What?!

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