Ch.23~This Is Me

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Niall's POV

As I lay in bed, I think of what just happened a few hours ago. I can't get it through my head yet that I beat his ass. Even though he deserves it, it's still a shock to me. I mean, that wasn't me. It couldn't have been me, I don't do things like that. One look at me, and I'm instantly labeled as an innocent, caring, non-violent kind of guy. That's who I am. Or rather, that's who I used to be.

My eyes are heavy with sleep, shutting closed then snapping open again. I'm tired, I can't deny that, but I have two things that are bothering me too much. Zayn and myself.

Did Zayn really deserve that beating? As much I want to say yes, there's also a small part of me that says no. Sure, he took my heart, deceived me right from the start, showed me the love I desperately needed at the time. It was cruel and cold of him to do so, he had no reason to do that to me, besides to use me for his own entertainment. This is my way of showing him that I'm not one to be played with. This toy is fighting back. Without any remorse, no pity, no reason other than revenge. Zayn told me that he loved me. But it was all a lie. A twisted lie from an angel whom I believed was my savior when I needed someone to love me. I will never forget the smile when he tore me apart. But, as hard as it is for me to admit, I was partly to blame. All the whispers their warning so clear. But I was too set on the belief that he was confused and truly loved me to see the truth behind his words. And like a fool, I believed him. Stepping right into his deadly trap. Maybe we both deserve what we got.

And then, there's me. Am I really the kind kid I was known to be? The one who felt bad for others even when they didn't deserve it? The one who took the blame just to keep his friends from getting into trouble as a kid? The one who was a goody-two shoes in school? Am I really that Niall? I just as bad as Zayn? Looking back on my past, I realize that I've always had a bitter resentment towards those who hurt me and my parents who pushed me too hard. And Liam for not returning my love. But I bottled it all up inside, the anger and hate building up, creating a part of me that was constructed by dark thoughts and feelings. I kept them locked away for so long, they needed to be released, needed a trigger. And that's what Zayn's actions offered. A reason to let them flow freely. And flow they did. I have two personalities you could say. Well, only one now because the caring side of me is gone now. Leaving me open for the negative thoughts and feelings to take over. Maybe this is me. A heartless person seeking vengeance.

I feel my eyes drooping shut for the final time, and I let them. My sight is consumed in darkness, sleep taking over.

This is me. Move the fuck over Zayn. I'm the bad boy now.

----2 Weeks Later---

It's been two weeks since we've returned to school. Well, I attended the first week after suspension was over, then I skipped the entire second week because I didn't feel like dealing with all the damn work I had to make up. Yes, I still kept up with my studies but recently, I've gotten tired of doing them. I can't focus, my mind is always somewhere else, mulling over distracting thoughts. Class work just gets in my way. So I've given up on school. It's not like the teachers care, apparently they're somewhat pleased that I've put Zayn in his place.

Ahhh, Zayn. My best buddy in the entire world. I spent the first week toying with him. Not too hard to do considering that he had a broken rib from the previous day. It's not my fault. He asked for a damn rematch. He should learn from his mistakes. I even got the rest of the school to be afraid of me. I thought it would sadden me, or anger me, but instead I was pleased. Pleased that they fear me. Pleased that every time I walk down the hallways, they disperse. But above all, pleased that Zayn has finally submitted to me. Only two weeks of hell, but that was enough to break the ex-badass. Shame.

The week that I was gone, I just lounged around doing nothing. I drunk a bit, ate, thought and slept. And worked out. Gotta keep in shape. But now that I'm back, I wonder what happened while I was gone. It's the third to last period, but no one is in the hallways. It's absolutely empty. I feel my lips turning up into a smirk; they knew I was coming back. I stroll down the corridor, just wandering around when I hear it.

A familiar scream of pain. I furrow my eyebrows confused. What's going on? Another scream pierces the air and I waste no time in dashing towards the source. I come to a halt in front of an empty classroom, it's where the screams are coming from. I hear gruff voices coming from inside and light whimpers. Tensing my muscles, I open the door to see who's inside. I'm not expecting this.

Five guys kicking and punching someone roughly. Laughing at the pleads that their victim murmurs. My suspicion is confirmed when I see tear stained brown eyes and hands grabbing his messed up quiff. They're touching MY Zayn. A darker skinned hand pulls back about to land another hit. No. I will not allow this.

"Don't you fucking DARE lay another hand on him. I will only say this once...'

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