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Relationship: secretly dating (No one else knows about the two of you)
Age: same as Meredith
Plot gist: you get your first solo surgery and are extremely anxious. So anxious that it's messing up your work. You don't calm down until you see her in the gallery

"I think I'm going to throw up" you complained learning over the toilet in the locker room of sorts.

"you're going to do amazing. I just know it" you felt Meredith hold up your hair and rub your back gently with her free hand

after emptying your breakfast into the toilet you got dressed and forced Meredith into a supply closet giving the two of you privacy once again.

"will you be there?" you asked holding onto her hands tightly

"I'm going to try my best. I have to scrub in with Shepard but I'm going to try my best to be there" she said not wanting you to get your hopes up

you both understood how unpredictable the job of a surgeon is.

maybe you would be less nervous if your first solo surgery wasn't on a 2-month-old who was getting a heart transplant.

Meredith sensed your growing worry and pulled you closer to her kissing the side of your head

"I have to go. Addison wants me to find her before rounds" you tried to get away from your clingy girlfriend.

"hey, just wait a second" she grabbed your hand pulling you near her again

"you'll be great" she gave you a tender kiss making you smile slightly into her lips

"go on. I don't want you to be late," she said and you made your way fo the door again

you looked back at Meredith for the last time seeing her grabbing some supplies that she may need for rounds and putting them in the pockets of her lab coat.

she noticed your gaze on her

"what? what is it?" she smiled at your own goofy smile on your face

"I love you" you ran back to her kissing her again before running out to find Dr. Montgomory

Meredith chuckled lightly at you shaking her hand as she showed a few packs of gauze into her pockets.

"you ready for today?" Addison asked when you quickly found her after leaving Meredith

"as ready as I'll ever be I suppose" you forced a small smile at the redhead

"good. go prep her." she ordered handing you the chart.

you did as you were told and before you knew it you were standing over her fragile and failing body

"doctor, you should make your incision soon" Addison leaned over your shoulder.

apparently, you had gotten lost in thought because you had just been standing over her for a solid 5 minutes

"ok" you swallowed hard looking up at the gallery, and anxiously scanned the small room for your little blonde girlfriend

Izzy, George, wow even Christina. nope, no Meredith.

"doctor Y/L/N" Addie drew your attention again

"right, 10 blade please" you ordered and made the incision

"are you sure your up for this. you seem a little distracted" shes right you were but having her peering over your shoulder the whole time wasn't really helping either

"yeah I'm sure. it won't happen again" you assured beginning to connect the main arteries to the bypass machine.

your hands were shaking it was obvious that Addison noticed. she'd had enough when you accidentally knocked a vessel causing a bleed

"Shit y/n move over" she ordered but you couldn't move. it was like you were frozen

"she's losing blood dr" a nurse piped up watching eh numbers

your eyes immediately shot up to the gallery

there she was. your girlfriend was leaning in the glass anxiously biting the nail of her thumb

she nodded at you slightly and you took a deep breath

Addison was about ready to body slam you if you didn't move in a second.

"I got it. I got the bleed" you informed after asking for a clamp.

you could tell Addison was upset with you and you probably wouldn't be getting another solo anytime soon but the rest of the transplant was textbook for you and everything went perfectly.

"oh my god Mer, that was so scary" you let out a huge sigh as you began to scrub out

as soon as your hands were clean Meredith wrapped her arms around you enfolding you into a huge hug

"you did great. lucky little girls got a new strong heart that's all that matters" she kissed you not even caring about the rest of the interns, nurses, and doctors around the two fo you.

Meredith Grey GxG- oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now