Melt With You

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Relationship: engaged
Age: same as Mer
Plot Gist: Meredith has to leave you in a moment of need to attend a big dinner that is important for her career. She realizes that she was wrong to leave you like that and comes back for you.

"I wish you would just come home" you said to Meredith over the phone

She brought she gown and her makeup to work with her seeing as she just planned on going straight to the party after work

You insisted she come home so you could see her before she left.

You heard her sigh heavily

She was torn. She didn't want to be late but she felt she owed it to you to at least let you help her get ready.

She's been working 18 hour shifts all week and picked up overtime on tmr weekend.

Everyone knew that you had been neglected by Meredith recently, but you tried not to let it get to you.

You knew how her work schedule would effect your relationship before you started dating, and you excepted it.

Meredith agreed to coming home.

"I'm here. Happy now?" She dropped her purse at the door in frustration

"Come on Mer, don't be like that" you sighed.

You knew she was orated with you but any time you got to spend with Meredith you would except with open arms.

You sat on the toilet seat watching her curl her hair in the bathroom.

"Come here" you ordered standing up grabbing a lipstick from your pocket.

"Where's you get that from?" She asked not recognizing the color

You turned her head toward you gently as she put the iron down.

"I picked it up this morning. I thought it would compliment your dress" you shrugged applying it gently to her lips.

She tried her best not to smile. She didn't deserve you.

When you finished painting the color on her lips she leaned in stealing a kiss from yours

"Your going to mess up your lipstick" you chuckled when she pulled away, wiping the smears lipstick from the corner of her mouth

"It looks better on you anyway"

An hour later Meredith was running behind but made it somewhat on time to her important dinner

"So Meredith, where's that beautiful fiancée of your?" The super intendant asked cutting into his duck

She took in a large death of air. She should have brought you with her.

"She's at home, enjoying her evening alone" Meredith smiled lying through her teeth.

She knew you were already in bed. With a book or maybe watching trashy tv. Waiting for your fiancée to come home.

In this moment she realized she wasn't nothing more than to go home to you

And that's what she did.

She politely excused herself before leaving. Taking a dessert for you on the way out.

Se was home within 20 minutes

She rang the doorbell not feeling like fishing her house keys out of her purse.

You opened the door in nothing but Meredith's Dartmouth tee-shirt and a small pair of shorts

"Mer" you smiled

You were suddenly surprised when Meredith wrapped her arms tightly around you during her head in your neck

"I love you" she mumbled into you

"I know Mer" you smiled holding her tighter.

Both you and Meredith's eyes pooled with tears.

"Wait... I thought you had that thing tonight" you suddenly pulled away from her

"I did but as soon as I got there I realized I'd rather spend my evening with you" you still looked puzzled and shocked

"I brought cheesecake" she held up the small to go box

"My favorite" you smiled taking the box from her

"I'd would give up everything just to see your smile"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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