Help Me Doctor

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Relationship: dating for a few years
Age: same as Meredith
plot gist: Meredith forces you to take the day off because your going threw a bit of a mental breakdown only to find you at work this time with an injury

"no you're staying home. I already called out of work for you" she pushed you back into the bed

"come onmer, im fine-"

"you deserve a day off y/n.. ill take care if everythiung at the hospital. just relax ok" she leaned over you

you growned but nodded nonetheless

she gave you a kiss goodbye before leaving.

you made good use of your time cleaning the house and doing mer's laundry. until, shit hit the fan.

you were trying to mop teh foors when you slipped on a puddle of water. of course it didnt help that you were holding a glass of water in your hand at the time.

the cup, which you dropped in shock, made contact with your forhead leving you with a deep gash and small glass shards in the wound.

you knew you needed stiches and you idnt have any of the supplies needed here.

you knew you only had one option, the hospital.

you calmly drove yourself to the hosptial and immeted yourself

an intern guided you to a cot in the pit where you laid confotable. of course you were in pain but you could handle it

It had been a solid hour or two already with no help from anyone who wasn't an intern

"wait.. i saw her i swear" you heard Izzy talking to what sounded like Christina out side of the samll privacy curtain

"y/n what on earth are you doing here?" Christina exclaimed

"Thank god someone who actually knows what there doing... I'm getting kinda drowsy" you said feeling light headed

"Yeah of course you are you've been bleeding for 3 hours" Cristina looked threw your chart as Izzy began doing a quick routine exam.

Cristina I shot something into your IV which made you feel a lot better. A lot.

"Hey... go get Meredith" you tapped Izzy's arms

"She has a whiple this morning" Christina informed trying to put lightocain on your wound

You only pulled away from her.

"I want Meredith to do it" you fussed like toddler.

"Y/n this is foolish let me stich you up" she complaining

"I want my girlfriend" you whined.

You heard fimiliar footsteps outside your noisy cot

"Bailey. It's Bailey" you say up pulling the curtain to the side.

"Hey baileyyyy... go get Meredith for me" you yelled to her

"Would you shut up... what happened to you"

"That's not important. Would you be a doll and BRING ME MY GIRLFRIEND" you were agitated and your loopy drugs were not helping maintain your composure.

She sighed before agreeing

"Keep her quiet" she ordered


"Grey. You've been requested in the pit" Bailey said sticking her head in the OR holding a mask up to her face with her hand

"Ok. Harris can you get on that" Meredith ordered Sadie who was prepared to scrub out.

"No. She requested you" Bailey gave her the look and she knew it was you.

"Is she ok?" Meredith asked finishing up what she was working on quickly to leave the patient at a good place.

"You could say that... you should talk to you interns later... she's been in the pit for a few hours" Bailey informed knowing that would set Meredith off.

If you needed something, anything, it should be brought to you the minute you ask in her eyes

She looked up at the gallery as she set down the clamp

They looked down sheepishly

"We didn't know she was your girlfriend Dr." Some of them apologized over the speaker and with that Meredith scrubbed out

"What on earth is going on here" Meredith pulled back your curtain at all the commotion

"Let me clean it" Izzy tried after Christina had no luck

"Meredith" you cheered reaching a your arms out for her

"What happened?" She asked walking into your arms

You hugged your arms around her waist as you smiled up at her making it difficult for her to examine your wound

"Are you going to help me Dr?" You teased and Meredith's eyes went wide as her hand clasped over your mouth preventing you from mumbling any more dirty words

"How much of that stuff did you guys give her?!?"

"Enough" Izzy shrugged

"You two go. I got her" Meredith shooed them out as she took her hand off your mouth

"Honey you need to shut up" Meredith said sweetly yet a hint of asperity in her voice

"Your going to get the both of us into trouble" she a pulled as you went on about the sexy dr trying to examine your wounds

"Ok ok. Y/n shut up" she whisper shouted at you as she began to wheel your gurney into an exam room

The two of you got some weird looks and Meredith simply smiled

As she began cleaning your wound and picking the glass shards out of it carefully as the pain medication began to wear off

"Ouch you bitch" you pushed her hand away as she tried to refrain herself from laughing at you

"This is going to hurt like a bitch but I have to stich you up" she told you sweetly stopping momentarily

She studied your face you were solving staring straight ahead

She kissed you cheek roughly making a small smile spread to your face

"Ouch... you suck. Give me some more drugs" you basically shouted at her as she began to stich you up again

"I can't give you anymore" Meredith lied to you knowing more drugs is not a good idea

"Here take my hand" she offered it to you and you squeezed it tightly. She decided that having you comfortable was a priority and she could stich you with one hand.

"God y/n I don't even know how you managed to do this" she sighed to herself as she rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb hoping to bring you even an once of comfort.

You were very vocal about your discomfort as Meredith was finishing up

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she cooed feeling bad that she was the one causing pain to you "I'm sorry honey, I'm almost done" she repeated

"There you are. All better" she removed her hand from your forhead covering the healing wound with a bandage

"I hate you" you have her a nasty look. Obviously the drugs were still working their way out of your system

"It hurts" you whined

"Awe poor baby. Do you want me to kiss it better" Meredith teased but you nodded nonetheless

She smiled before pressing a kiss to your head.


A longer one but I couldn't help myself.

By far my favorite chapter 🫶🫶🫶

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