06 : 𝙰𝚂𝙴𝙰𝙽

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"Sigh.. You all look like you're going in a field trip instead.." the organization pointed at his members. The ASEAN members all have big luggage and they all wore fashionable clothing like its a fashion show they're going to.

Thailand has the biggest luggage. "Well we already talked about it on the group chat! We will take some things that we like or something that we wanted to show to him!" Thailand then start rambling on what he took with him.

"Yeah yeah. But we're just gonna talk about our things with him fast since we're just gonna be sudden there and we don't know the new laws there so you guys might say something illegal there so just keep things short." Asean said and the members frowned.

Timor Leste has the smallest luggage. "Sir Asean is right! That's why I only brought few things to show to him and it's mostly pictures. Because one picture tells a whole story!" he proudly pointed at his bag. It looks like a school bag that is used in Grade 7.

Indo then cleared his throat. "Well anyways, everyone, the 'World War IIl' guy messaged me the other night. It said that he'll hack and block us in the satellites and that we'll have no signal there and it's prohibited to take photos or else, they'll have to kill us on spot." he announced and showed them the email and everyone shuddered.

"So in short, we'll have mens watching our back and if they saw us taking picture, they'll kill us!?" Laos left his body. "Yeah so, Laos, Malay and you, Singa. Don't take your cameras." Asean ordered and the three sighed and left their cameras on the table.

They're still in the ASEAN meeting office.

"Is everyone ready?" Indonesia asks and they all nodded. "Sir, do you have the renewed ASEAN membership?" Indo turned to Asean who showed the  ASEAN membership contract of Philip. It's in a frame already. "Eh? Why did you put it in a frame?" Myanmar pointed out and Asean pushed back his glasses, "Yes. We'll be meeting him after 17 years so I need to present this like this."

"Wow but when I renewed mine, it's all crumbled when given to me.." Vietnam sweatdropped at the organization. "You are wearing a suit Vietnam and you Cambodia, none of you all look well presented when we have meetings."

Myanmar who always put effort on how he looks everytime there's a meeting: "•••"

Singapore who always look presentable every meeting: "•••"

Brunei who Asean always praise for always dressing presentable in meetings and gatherings: "•••"

"GG sir Asean. You just attacked Brunei, Singa and Myan." Indonesia commented before clearing his throat, "Anyways.. Wait do you all have your bracelets?" everyone including Asean raised their wrists that have their bracelets.

"Um Nam, where is yours?"

"Oh in my other arm here," Vietnam raised his other hand and there showed his bead bracelet that says, A.S.E.A.N  V.N.

"Nice! Let's all go to our plane.. Let's all do it, unnoticed." Indo smiled as everyone turned to the emergency door they have in the room.

06 : ASEAN

Martial Law POV

"Are you sure you want to wear that suit?" Del asked me and I gave him a look. "What? It looks nice. Philip said that we should dress nice." he only sighed. "You don't have a fashion taste." I shrugged what he said and continue to fix my tie.

Yeah I know that I don't have a fashion taste. Is this suit really looks bad on me?

"You look like you're gonna go to an orchestra concert." Del added and I sighed and decided to just changed it for good. "Fine fine. Why don't you find a suit for me, kuya?" I gestured to the clothes in our shared closet room.

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