"Faced the devil"

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Jackson hovered over Yn and she tried her best to break free despite the fact that her  fingers were all crushed and and her legs were unsupportive to the fact that they were repeatedly hitten by a baseball bat due to safety reasons that she doesn't run away.

The saddest thing was that this place doesn't even have Taehyung's fregnance cause they were currently at Jackson's place.

She was actually witnessing her own soul drowning into sins . A sin to be unpure, to be unpure before being a wife. She was just lost into the sad fact that a man beside her own beloved husband was about to freaking touch her.

She would freaking lie if she says that she didn't got the chills as a terrified human who just got to know that he has brain tumour.

She saw him upclose licking his lip and later biting it off almost looking like a obsessed psychopath . She kept throwing her fist onto him despite the immense bone breaking pain gushing her veins .

Yn wasn't planning to give up at all. Jackson instantly reacted to her loud scream as he punches her in her lower stomach almost above her vagina.

But she made a serious problem as she screamed even louder in pain . Yelping she begged him to stop but the freaking monster ripped her clothes apart.

Yn sobbed even louder as she was there completely nude infront of his hideous gaze checking every part and curve of her body.

She sure was going to get raped and the worst part was she knew it.


Jimin- My sister will be alright. Yeah we will rescue her. I bet we are not late. What could possibly a women in her late 50's do??

Taehyung- That witch. I swear if i even see a scratch on my baby 's body i will freakin kill that slut.

Jimin- Everything will be alright your wife and my sister is okay.

Taehyung- Hyung... We aren't late... Right??

Jimin- I hope so. Just hold on for half an hour. Just 40 more minutes and we are there . Okay???

But little did they both knew.....
They were already late ....

She doesn't remember what happened the last time when he raped her.

She doesn't remember what was his exact emotion to wreck her when he raped her.

But now she knows....

She is seeing it live and clear.

One word for his exact state currently would be- a monster.

She describes her soul to be long gone out of her body as if watching her almost unconscious corpse from the air somewhere in the room.

It almost felt like a reel of an old movie . Flashing scenes of nothing but immense disgusting words and his sinful devilish mind thrusting in and out her.

He would sometimes stop slapping his lower part while fucking and start sucking her clit and vagina.

Meanwhile Yn proved her innocence and love as no moan ever came out of her.

It was all screams and sobs.

All she could say was- it pained like hell. More than labour. Jackson would eventually stop himself and stare at Yn for awkwardly long time.

He would sometime get off her naked helpless body and fidget his fingers anxiously like a freaking psychotic pedo but then again something would kick in him and he would drop his bulky heavy ass body onto her.

She would scream and he would bite her breasts. He tried every possible position and way to fuck her in those 50 minutes.

50 Minutes to hell. That's exactly what she went through.

He finally was done after shamelessly thrusting in and out her for about a 100 times already in such short time.

He layed beside her and smiled looking at her cold and unconscious body as he grope her breasts and squeezed them as hard as he could.

So hard that his veins almost popped out making Yn knock out her unconscious state and scream at such a loud painful intensity that the whole neighborhood must've been alert.

He left her and she fell numb . Numb and unconscious.....

Hugging her naked body he stared at her and gave a goosebumps deserving expression with and utterly scary psychotic grin.

Jackson- I know if your husband gets to know the truth he will surely kill me. But sweetheart... I don't care. I lived my fantasy today.
My fantasy to feel you underneath me . To caress your hairs like today. I thought that it was okay to die after doing what this universe wanted to you and me be one but now I will so every possible attempt to live . To live to be able to relive this heaven again and again until I die.

Jackson repeatedly patted Yn's cheek to wake her up. Yn wasn't able to move a single muscle but she indeed was hearing everything.

Jackson- Listen love?? Now... I claimed you as mine and from today I'll be your shadow that ever won't let you live peacefully with that Taehyung. You are me and I am you.

Her eyes closed again and the immense fear and the hesitance of his words to manifest were devouring her insides.

Another blink and she saw his smiling eyes suddenly turning dark. Her eyes closed again.

The heavy and shrill voices of gunshots and screams filled her ears.

She turned her supportless neck to the corner to see Jackson kissing her on her lips and swiftly jumping away from the window leaving her weak and timid.

Her eyes closed again and the last thing she remembers is the door bursting open with Taehyung barging in completely drenched in blood .

The blood was scattered all over his pale skin while his cheeks were stained with his own river of tears.

Taehyung locked the door quickly and kissed Yn as he analysed what had actually happened seeing his precious wife's naked self.

The rest was all about Taehyung and the real side of his which was never revealed yet in the story.

____________ K___T___H____________

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