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It has been awfully quiet in the city, there haven't been any villains attacking, no crime rates, not even a single incident where the ninja had to get involved. However that didn't mean all was well, many men have suddenly disappeared out of thin air. It all happened when a new underground club opened up, it was called Tavern of the Black Dragon.

No one ever knew the owner and no one ever talked about him, but each day more and more guys were gone. The ninja were all on top of it planning to use Zane to find the missing people. "Do I really have to go," Zane asked. Kai looked at him and nodded "Yes you need to so we can have video evidence of what is going on".

"Well alright, I'll sneak in tonight. I do hope they're alright, Dareth had vanished overnight as well." The nindroid mumbled. He was dressed in a white hoodie with grey jeans, underneath was a hidden camera that would record live footage of the club's inside and show it back to the team. "Let's see now, the lights are off. Must be closed, I'll sneak in through the vents and try to find our friends." He thought, slowly approaching the club.

A strange man entered with furrowed brow and then the lights came on as if by magic. "Who was that" Zane asked himself. He decided to get closer look.

He turned the camera on as he entered, the entire club smelt absolutely horrid to the ice ninja. He had to cover his nose as he wandered around, it smelt like everyone inside hadn't showered for at least a week! "God, how can anyone stay in these conditions?" He groaned, he could also smell deep fried snacks being put out as well as some of the creamiest, fattiest ice cream sundaes he had ever seen. He wondered who could eat such enormous portions.

Several men were eating almost as if they were in trance. Zane tried to get a little closer. He found the source of the horrid smell. It was the men they were farting and burping almost every second. The nindroid gagged at the smell. It was then however he lost his grip and fell.

"Whoa, you joined the club too Zane?" A familiar voice rang out as soon as he landed, right between a soft pair of moobs and a sweat covered belly. "D-Dareth? You're alright?" Zane mumbled, trying to keep himself balanced."Heh, you thought I was dead or something? Nah, in fact I never felt more alive!" The brown ninja belched, giving his belly a slap. "So what brings you here?"

"What is all this?" Zane asked. Dareth ate more food his belly growling and gurgling. "Paradise is what it is" Another familiar voice said. "Ronin is that you" The Thief let out a fart as he moved to join Dareth and Zane.

The nindroid squeaked as he was soon squished between two flabby guts. "Ever since this club opened up all we ever had to do was eat and sleep, we don't even have to bathe anymore. Doesn't that sound like heaven to ya?" Ronin continued, giving Zane a noogie."Eep! I'm not sure if I could stand the smell.""Aw listen to the little guy, y'know I don't think he's signed up. Let's get him a room here."

"Umm...that's not necessary really" Zane shivered. The strange man appeared with the contract. "Come on Zane you'll love it here" Ronin cooed. Zane paused something was wrong here. something was evil it was something to do with the contract. should I sign it? Zane thought. He ended up doing so and the man left. Ronin and Dareth cheered. Zane however gulped as he felt like he had made a grave mistake.

"Your room is being set up, I'm so delighted you wanted to stay." The stranger cooed, giving his ass a slap. "Give him some fried chicken and a sundae, he needs the calories." He ordered the older men, very soon Zane was squished between them again, stuffed full of fatty foods. "I do hope I don't regret this.." He thought.

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