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I hope I don't regret this He thought. Men began bringing food to him as if to a king. Zane didn't feel hungry so the food piled up. "Oh aren't you hungry, Zane" Ronin said with a belch. Zane wasn't and this fact was apparent as the food was left untouched. The stranger didn't like that not one bit.

"I think he needs a little encouragement." He purred, getting a funnel and a huge tank full of milkshake. "Down the hatch." Zane squeaked as a tube we forced into his mouth, filling his cheeks with the cold, creamy drink until he swallowed. With how quickly he was being fed he ended up swallowing down air as well as food. Before he knew it, a loud PFLLFFFTT!! came from behind.

Zane moaned he began to eat more his belly snapping his belt in half. "I can't stop" Zane said with a mouth full. Dareth and Ronin smiled their eyes sparkled with a dull blue glow as if they were under someone's control. PFFFFFRRRRRRRRPHHT!

The nindroid was now a blushing mess, he always practiced good etiquette and now he was scooping up deep fried chicken wings slathered in barbecue sauce and not even bothering to wipe his face. "O-oh my.. I'm a sticky, gassy mess!" He squeaked. It was then he got a good look at his newfound fat, his belly was now as large and round as a beach ball, with very sensitive stretch marks to boot.

"Oh seems someone is still in control," A voice rang out, "Time for him to eat the cake". A big cake covered blue icing appeared to glow and spark like a firework. The men forced him to eat it and he was at first fighting back but that stopped. He enjoyed it. Why was he worried about being a pig. He always was one. The cake had done it's job and Zane was now eating like a hog. "Man why did I regret signing up-PHHHRRRRNNNNT-...this is paradise".

Very soon Zane flopped himself onto the table, stuffing himself until he was too full to move. His once firm belly begun to sag and lay in his soft lap, his once strong legs were covered with layer upon layer of flab, even his arms were more soft and rounded. "Oooh~ I think I'm going to like it here, I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want." The nindroid declared with a loud belch."I'm so glad you feel this way, Zane. Why don't you take off that tiny outfit of yours? The Tavern of the Black Dragon provides clothing of all sizes for their members." The cloaked man purred.

"Now why don't you go to your room and don't worry about anything my servants are here to help" The cloaked man said as men carried Zane off. Zane yawned as now he just wanted to be lazy, fat, and gassy nothing more then a smelly blob.

Zane fell asleep and all seem normal as now he was a new addition to the club.Dareth groaned so happy to eat more and more food. "Keep 'em coming". Ronin was stuffed full and farting up a storm. However elsewhere The cloaked man watched it all and smiled.

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