Chapter Fourteen - This is the story of a girl...

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Chapter Fourteen - This is the story of a girl...

The things that Marx found on the files were less than encouraging. I didn’t understand most of it but just from the looks on Pandora and the gang’s faces I could tell that things were getting bad and fast. The hideout was also starting to get very cold and I didn’t exactly come prepared with backup clothing. I rubbed at my arms which were developing goose bumps as they continued looking through the hordes of plans and secret stages that Jacobs had developed.

Instead of waiting around for the results of the findings, I pushed my way through the crowed of jaw drooped faces. I couldn’t help but continue drawing my attention to my sister. I had known what Master… Ethan… had said was right. There wasn’t a real connection there. I couldn’t gaze upon her fondly like any other brother could to his older or younger sister. Instead she was someone who saved me and yet an acquaintance.

It wasn’t stupid that I felt close to her in this way. It also still astounded me how it was she looked so young and yet far surpassed my own parents in age. This world around me had changed so greatly and it was only changing further. I suddenly felt my stomach churning. It wasn’t until that second of thought had I really considered never getting to lead the strange and yet boring life I once had.

And I missed my parents. I missed them more than I allowed myself to show. Surrounded by a team fighting for the survival of humanity I really was just some ignorant kid. They didn’t need me here but they wanted me and it was good to feel wanted but would this ever end?

There were photos on the screen now. I drew back in disgust. It looked like a preview of what had happened to the Jews in concentration camps during World War II.

“What is that?” I asked as I placed my hand on the mouse and scrolled through several of the images. My stomach only began to hurt worse and worse.

“These are the experiments on live human subjects. And these…” Marx scrolled through further, “Are the images of them using our kind to try and change humans into this super soldier Jacobs and his company are trying to create.”

Red was sloshed all over the walls and floors of some of the images and I couldn’t quite handle it any longer. I stood up and ran to the center of the room next to the Independence. The silver was glistening under the florescent lights above. I missed Scarlet. Her sister must have been with her although I still had this lingering feeling something had happened to her and it was my fault.

Most of the time I was under Master’s control was still a blur. Only the faces I had harmed were still with me. I didn’t think I could ever let those go. If Bradley had still been alive I would have done anything to beg his forgiveness.


As I rushed through the horrific memories, the group began to disperse and Pandora walked back over to me in the center of the hideout. She had a large smile on her face, as usual. I didn’t know what she always had to be so happy about but she sure seemed to be ecstatic.

“What is on your mind, cowboy?” She asked as she shoved my shoulder.

“Didn’t you see the photos? That was horrific. I just… I was almost a part of doing that to people. It eats away at you. “

“Don’t let Jacobs have that power over you. It was going to happen no matter what.” She walked before me and placed both hands on my shoulders. I only wished I could see the world through her eyes, “In order to do this job you need to realize one thing.”

“Oh, and what is that?”

She gave another large smile and looked over to Casey who had been watching the scene. He was smiling too as he ran his fingers through his light blond hair. I had a feeling I was missing some sort of inside joke, “Evil people are always going to do evil things. As the good guys we are just going to have to stop it as we can. The minute you feel like it is your responsibility to solve the world’s problems and place that onto your shoulders is the minute you fail.”

The P. P. A. Project: RevelationsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora