--=Near Death=--

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You woke up again, as the Dragon clutching you tightly landed with a thump on the ground, which jarred you awake. You groaned as your vision cleared to reveal a long hallway, filled with many entrances, including the one you had just came from before you woke up.

You trembled, as the Dragon moved forwards. You were being held tightly, so much that you couldn't move. Your throat felt tight with fear. You were terrified. You were still confused over everything that was happening to you. Not to mention, you couldn't understand how you gone from being flown through the air, to being carried down a long hallway.

I must have been unconscious for a while... You thought, as your other senses woke up as well. You were feeling more and more awake by the minute. 

"W-Who are you?! Let me go!" You cried as you squirmed in the Skywing's grip, however, the Dragon only growled, before squeezing you tighter. 

Either the Dragon didn't hear your talking at all, or simply didn't care. You wheezed as the air was forced out of your lungs. Your vison swayed, threatening to throw you back into unconsciousness, however, you managed to take another lung full of air before you could black out.

You quickly realized that this was a different Dragon from before. It wasn't one of the two Skywings you had seen in the forest before you had been captured. This Dragon you had never seen before. It made you wonder what became of the previous two Skywings, and why they had given you to this entirely different Dragon. Not to mention you had no idea where you even were.

You were carried through luxurious corridors filled with engravings that glimmered, that looked as through they were made of gold. Most of them, were just illustrations of Dragons flying through cloudy skies, or chasing each other across the walls, although, they were still beautiful. 

As you finally caught your breath again, after the sudden shock of nearly having your ribs cave in from being squeezed, you once more pleaded with the Skywing holding you, to let you go, although, your voice sounded very weak. 

 Its ears twitched slightly, but it didn't seem to have heard you. Or even cared. It just continued marching down through winding corridors, clearly moving with purpose. You weren't sure where it was carrying you, but you doubted it was anywhere good.

Dragons don't realize that Scavengers are intelligent you realized, as you remembered back to the events of the series. That would explain why just about every Dragon had ignored communication with you. You started to become even more worried. What if they can't understand me at all? They don't know that I'm not from this world! To them, I'm just another Scavenger! 

Finally, the Dragon carrying you moved into a large chamber. Within the chamber were more gold carvings, with stone pillars supporting the ceiling. However, what caught your attention was the huge throne at the end of the room. Sat upon it, was a huge Dragon.

Unlike the other Skywings you had met thus far, this Dragon had orange scales, that seemed to glint unnaturally, until you got closer and you realized that small ruby gems were imbedded into its scales

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Unlike the other Skywings you had met thus far, this Dragon had orange scales, that seemed to glint unnaturally, until you got closer and you realized that small ruby gems were imbedded into its scales

 It also had a thin plate around its neck, that seemed to also be made of gold. Judging from its wealth, and the fact that it was literally sitting on a throne, you finally realized who you were about to encounter.

I must be in the Skywing Royal Palace! But, if I'm in the palace... Than that Skywing on the throne must be Queen Scarlet... You thought nervously as you were carried into the throne room. 

She looked up, and noticed the Dragon carrying you enter, before suddenly her eyes landed on you.

"Your Majesty, Queen Scarlet. You're afternoon snack?" It asked, speaking directly at Scarlet. 

"Yes, wonderful! Is there still plenty more prey for the arena, and for the feast?" She asked.

"Yes your Majesty. Some of the hunters found this Scavenger wondering around in the forest this morning." Said the Dragon, as moved towards the Queen. Holding you out.

This morning? So I have been unconscious for quite a while, you thought desperately. By this point, you had realized exactly what was going on. 

I must have been brought here as a snack! That was why I woke up being carried by that Dragon! You thought terrified, only now just realizing. 

"D-don't eat me." You whimpered, trying to get attention, but the two Dragons, both Queen Scarlet, and the Dragon holding you were talking. As a result, your voice was easily drowned out by the noise.

"All right, yes. Just bring it here. I figured I might as well have a light snack before the next Arena contestants. How Thrilling it will be!" She said, as she reached out to grab you. She lifted you up towards her mouth. You kicked and struggled and yelled, as loudly as you could. 

You were now in a full panic by knowing that your life was definitely on the line.

"WAIT! NO! Please! I'm begging you! Don't kill me! I don't want to die!" you begged, as you shut your eyes, preparing for the end. But to your suprised, nothing happened. You looked up to see Scarlet and the other Skywing, both staring at you in pure shock.

"U-um. P-please?" You asked, still trembling in fear. Shaking in the Queen's claws.

"Y-you. You just spoke." She whispered, still staring at you, with unblinking yellow eyes. You were already terrified enough, but somehow the silent staring only made thing worse. You decided to answer. For your own sake.

"Um, y-yes? I can talk." You said, trying to sound brave and confident, but it was hard when you were in the tight grip of a dragon that could simply eat you at any give moment.

"In-Incredible! I never knew Scavengers could talk... How, interesting." She mussed, sounding amazed, and thoughtful as she looked you over, seeming to be getting over her shock. She looked up at the Dragon that had brought you here. You guessed they were a servant, as they didn't have any armor.

"Are you still here?" She growled, as she glared at the other Dragon. The other Dragon looked, alarmed as she addressed them. They had been busy staring at you, still in surprise.

"Oh! My apologies, your majesty! Would you like something else to eat?" They asked, sounding fearful.

"No, but why don't you make yourself useful and continue preparing for the feast. I think I'll need some time with this Scavenger... Alone." She hissed, looking down at you. You trembled, as you wondered what she could possibly mean. The servant bowed hastily, as they rushed out of the throne chamber, and disappeared.

"Now. A talking Scavenger..." She said to herself, as she eyed you up and down, clutched in her talons so you couldn't escape. You were trembling. 

She moved you up closer to her face. "Now, how about me and you have some time to get to know each other a bit better...Scavenger... Starting with; How exactly can you talk...?"

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now