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The Next Morning... 


Scarlet trotted down the halls of the palace towards her throne room. Unable to hide the look of satisfaction on her face as she thought over everything she had done and what was to come. Everything was set and planned. She had woken up a short while ago, only to be met with a report that everything was prepared and ready for Burn's welcoming feast, including for her hatching day, which grew ever nearer. 

While Burn being delayed, Scarlet had to admit, was an inconvenience, it wouldn't stop her from having a little bit of fun first, but not with the Dragonets. Scarlet wanted to save the Dragonet's fate for the arena, and her hatching day. Instead, she had other ideas for today.

And one of those ideas involved Kestrel. Ever since Scarlet had captured the Dragonets of Destiny, she had been keeping Kestrel, their mentor, and who also had formerly been one of her subjects, out of sight. She had been looking forward to giving Kestrel what she deserved, for betraying her, fleeing, and then helping raise those accursed Dragonets. 

And what Kestrel deserves is a thrilling execution! After all, she works for the Talons of Peace, and is a traitor to her Kingdom and Queen: Me! Although, not to mention she poses a threat to my kingdom... And my plans. Scarlet thought, as some of her thoughts shifted to Peril. 

Scarlet had been planning Kestrel's trial and execution for a long time, and of course she didn't need Peril interrupting it. After all, she knew her champion had a bad habit of at times, being quite nosey with important business. But that wasn't the only reason...

Which is exactly why I am going to distract Peril with something. I'll just send her to go looking for those black rocks in the mines. After all, she does believe she needs them to survive. That way, I can get the trial out of the way as quickly as possible! Maybe I'll even get the Dragonets to watch Kestrel's death? Perhaps I should hold the trial and execution out in the arena? That way everyone can watch! Scarlet thought, feeling more and more excited and thrilled for the day ahead. 

Once she has gotten Peril out of the way, nobody would be there to interrupt with the trial. After all. Peril didn't need to know the truth about Kestrel. 

She doesn't need her. She just needs me. I've helped her grow strong. I've helped her realize her purpose. I don't need a traitor like Kestrel ruining all that. 

Scarlet chuckled to herself, as she made her way to the throne room. Already anticipating for the day ahead. 


Light streamed into the throne room, shining off the gold surfaces of tapestries, engravings, and of course, your cage, where you lay inside completely still. 

Everything hurt. That was really the only way to put it. Or, more accurately, everything ached. Your neck, throat, head, limbs, and muscles felt like they had been stretched physically beyond their capabilities, while your mind felt dizzy, and filled with sleep. Despite having a deep dreamless slumber, the entire night, you didn't feel refreshed in the slightest. 

What was even stranger, was that the constant wind from being so high up on your stone platform had... stopped?

"Ugghh... Tsunami? Are you there?" You asked slowly, feeling like your vocal cords were mixed with tar. When you one answered, you frowned with your eyes still closed. A part of you didn't want to wake up, but just wanted to keep your eyes shut and go back to sleep. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now