--=Breakfast With Queen Scarlet=---

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"What do you mean I can't go?!" Peril demanded; her jaw tight as she stared Queen Scarlet dead in the eye. Something you hadn't seen many dragons do before.

Not that you were much different admittedly. Around her a few other dragons who were also eating glanced at her and Scarlet before quickly looking away, obviously not wanting to get involved. For the past ten minutes, Scarlet and Peril had been deep in discussion which had only until now formed into an argument.

To be honest you hadn't been listening much as you had been far too busy eating. Given that Scarlet had given you permission to eat, you weren't wasting the opportunity. After all, you had spent the last few days without any food or water, trapped in a stone pillar in the middle of the Skywing arena, with only Tsunami - one of the dragonets of destiny - for comfort. While she had been at times... a little intimidating, her company was no doubt more desirable than the Skywing Queen's, and while you didn't want to admit... you actually missed her. At least around her you were actually safe.

To be honest, I'd prefer any of the other dragonets than Scarlet. Even Peril! You thought, shooting a glance at the orange dragon in the seat next to you. She seemed to be focusing on two things: Maintaining her end of the argument with Scarlet and eating... so at least she and you had something in common.

"Peril, I'm not going to tell you again. This trial is very important, and not for your eyes. This one you can't go to." She remarked, giving a steely gaze back at her champion before throwing what looked like an entire mountain goat into her mouth, and began chewing it slowly.

"But, you never let me go to any trial! You always just tell me to go looking for back rocks in the mines! I know I need them to survive, but can't I watch just this once? I'll stay out of the way-"

 Peril argued pleadingly, before Scarlet interrupted, obviously not caring about what Peril was about to say.

"Yes... and this time will be no different. I told you and I won't tell you again: No means no. Unless you want me to think of some kind of punishment to stop nosy dragons like you from disobeying my authority? Hmmm?" Scarlet asked, small curls of smoke rising from her nostrils. 

Peril opened her mouth, as if she was about to say something, before deciding against it as Scarlet glared at her, forcing her to admit defeat.

"...Yes, your majesty. Sorry." She said, sounding disappointed. Even her scales seemed to dim slightly, or perhaps it was just the light of the torches that flickered throughout the dining hall?

Looking subdued, Peril looked down at her food, poking a piece of meat from an unknown animal, watching as the edged sizzled and blackened upon contact with her claw.

Scarlet on the other hand, looking satisfied that she put her champion back in her place, turned back to her own food.

Looking at Peril, you felt slightly bad. Thinking back to when you were in your world, a lot of characters in later books treated her like she was a villain. While, she had killed hundreds of other dragons, it hadn't been like she ever had a choice. She had no control...

Just like I have no control over my own situation... You thought, casting a glance at the Skywing Queen above you, who was now engaged in a conversation with another dragon. Presumably another general.

Something else that you had also noticed was that Peril had been unmistakably darting glances at you ever since she had first arrived at the dining hall. She obviously hadn't expected you to be here... especially considering the nature of your captor, and to be honest you couldn't really blame her for that either.

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now