The day dreams

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The sun continued to cast a joyous glow on the remaining wedding guests as they slowly made their way to their cars. Samantha stood alone at the entry of the church, her sister's vail in hand, disappointment etched on her face at having missed her sister's effervescent sendoff. As cars depart the surrounding street, Samantha looks up and sees him; hands in his pockets leaning up against his bright red sports car looking like he just stepped off the cover of  GQ magazine. He waves shyly. Samantha glances behind her to see who he could possibly be waving at. She motions to herself, ''Me?" An assured smirk crosses his lips as he nods, "Yeah you."

"Mara, time to get ready for practice! You need to eat something too before we go!"
"Ugh! Okay! I'll be there in a minute!" This is the best part too. At least I can pause it and watch the rest when I get home. I shut off my tv and rolled onto my back making sure not lose my remote somewhere between the mattress and the side of my waterbed. When anything falls down there getting it back is like sticking your wet hand in a plastic bag. A deep sigh escaped my throat. Jake Ryan. I live vicariously through you Molly Ringwald. I rolled the rest of the way off my bed, the remote making a loud scraping sound as it lodged itself between the wood frame and the    sticky plastic of the mattress where the sheets were no longer tucked in. Damnit. I'd have to fish it out later. I scanned my closet and settled on my red, velvet leo with the subtle rose design. I pulled it on quickly along with a pair of black shorts and grabbed my brush, hair ties, and matching scrunchy and made my way to the kitchen. The smell of pasta wafted into my nose as I plopped down at the table nearly knocking over my glass of water. My mom shot a bemused look in my direction. I couldn't help how antsy I was to get to practice and tell Lynn all about how Camden smiled at me today. She will just die!

Camden Ford. The boy with piercing blue eyes whose gaze could subdue the most feral of creatures and blonde hair that looked as though it had been kissed by the sun's warmth and frosted by the white of winter all at the same time. He was the epitome of visual perfection and the boy I dreamed would one day sweep me off my feet and carry me away. Being a former gymnast also made him that much more swoon-worthy in my opinion. We attended the same gymnastics academy when we were younger. He had since moved on from his days of tight, white pants and grips and was now the starting point guard for our 8th grade basketball team. As a cheerleader for the 7th grade team I got plenty of eye-candy time since both teams traveled together; those blue and white shorts hugging his butt like they were tailor-made for him and the way the sweat drips from his  forehead at the end of the first period. Mercy. The 8th graders pay little to no attention when 7th grade is playing let alone the cheerleaders. But, whenever we take the floor at half time or throw a stunt up on the side-lines I can't help but steal a glance in his direction hoping this would be the time I finally captivate him and he will have no other choice but to...
"Mara! Let's go." My mom stood at the kitchen sink frantically scrubbing the remaining few dishes and placing them in the strainer, her brow furrowed in frustration. "We need to leave and you are just sitting there staring off into space."
I glanced down at my half eaten bowl of spaghetti and cold piece of garlic bread. "I don't want to hear you're hungry after practice," she scoffed. Ugh. I crammed one last bite of the now luke-warm spaghetti in my mouth, scrapped the rest into the trash, and placed my plate and glass on the counter.
"Seriously?" My mom glowered.
"What?" I retorted, my mouth still chewing  the last bits of noodle.
"You could at least put it in the dishwasher."
"Sorry," I said as I wrangled my feet into my shoes, I'll get it when I get home. I don't wanna be late." After all, I had important information to share and I would need all of warm-ups to fill Lynn in. My stomach made a low grumbling noise, an obviously protest of my half eaten dinner. At least my captivating tale about my encounter with Cam will distract me from the growing pit in my stomach.

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