The game

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Friday. Thank God. The picture! I reached under my pillow frantically, feeling for Cam's picture and praying I hadn't ripped it. I felt the smooth surface of  the photo paper, seemingly intact, and pulled it out for closer inspection. A little bent on one corner but otherwise unharmed. Maybe under my pillow isn't the best choice. I hopped out of bed and walked over to my dresser with its large mirror. I very carefully tucked one side of the picture between the wooden frame and the glass. Perfect.
"What's that?" My mom said as she came in to make sure I was up.
"Mom!" I answered with palatable annoyance. "Can you at least knock or something first?"
"Sorry," she retorted. "Is that Camden Ford?"
"Where did you get that?"
"Cam gave it to me yesterday at school."
"Oh!" She smirked. "He is such a cutie. And a nice kid too."
"I know mom. Can we just not?"
"Sorry," she said, holding her hands up. "Just saying."
I rolled my eyes and walked over to my closet. It was game day so cheerleaders are required to wear their uniforms to school. I always felt good when I would put it on. It made me feel confident. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and added a white ribbon. Not half bad, I thought as I smiled back at my reflection.
"Are you riding the game bus tonight or am I taking you?" my mom asked as I sat down to eat my cereal.
"Um, I think I might ride the bus this time. Rachel is riding so I can sit with her." Rachel kept stats for the team.
"Ok. Are you riding it home too?"
"Perfect. That gives me time to get your brother from the high school. I will plan on picking you up in front of the junior high about nine or so. You guys should be back by then."
I hadn't rode the game bus to an away game once this season. With everything that had been going on I didn't want to give Janey, Tommy, or anyone else another opportunity to harass me. Today was the day. Plus, it was another chance to be close to Cam.

"See you after the game!" my mom hollered as she drove off.
"Hey Mara!"
"Oh, hey Allie," I said, a bit caught off guard. Allie Holden is one of the eighth grade cheerleaders. The captain actually. She is every guy's dream. Tall, slender, long, blonde hair, and really sweet. "What's up?"
"I am going to be a little late to the game tonight. Stupid doctors appointment right after school. Coach knows but asked that I give the cheer list and the poms to someone to bring to the game just in case I don't get there before the game starts. I saw you first," she beamed.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. No problem." I was not about to tell my captain no.
"Great! Stop by my locker after 8th hour and I will give them to you."
I had butterflies in my stomach the rest of the day. I would see Cam between 7th and 8th hour, after 8th hour, and be riding the bus with him to the game. The game was in Lindville which is like a 40 minute bus ride.
My focus was less than stellar the whole day. I filled Rachel in first thing in the morning. I think she was happier about it than I was.
"It's like a real-life fairytale! I guess I will just live vicariously through you," she laughed.
Rachel is short statured with reddish-brown hair and glasses. She's kind of a goofy personality but that's what I appreciated about her. She moves to the beat of her own drum. And she seems more than ok with it. I even envied her a bit. She didn't seem to care what others thought about her. Me? I cared way too much about what everyone thought of me.
"McDonald's day today for lunch!" Rachel exclaimed as we headed towards the cafeteria. I do love McDonald's day. We have it every other Friday. A cheeseburger and some fries sounded so good. I was starving.
"I can't wait to hear what Cam might say to you today," Brie teased.
My heart was once again racing as we walked in and headed to the front to grab our trays. There he was, with the team, sitting at the head of the table. I only dared to take quick glances as I waited in line so I wouldn't have a repeat of yesterday's embarrassment. I could hear Brie and Rachel's giggles when they would catch me looking at him. But, I couldn't help myself. I was lost in a world where only he and I existed in that room. Everything else would just fade in and out. Once we got our food we headed to our usual table. I caught Brie and Rachel exchanging glances out of the corner of my eye as we got closer to Cam's table. I squeezed my lunch tray tightly as I walked by. Cam didn't so much as move let alone look up. He kept talking to the guys as if whatever he was saying was the world's most important topic. My heart sank. I sighed as we sat down at the table. I knew it was too good to be true. Brie sat down across from me and Rachel to my left. They could tell I was more than bummed.
"It's fine Mara. Maybe he just really didn't see you. He seemed to be very in to whatever they were talking about," Brie said with a smile.
"Yeah. I wouldn't read into that too much Mara," Rachel chimed in.
I appreciated the support from the girls, but the disappointment overshadowed their words of encouragement.
The next few classes seemed to drag on forever. While I wanted to see Cam again, part of me didn't. Not if his plan was to build my hopes up and then smash them to the ground. The anticipation was torture.
Seventh hour ended and I found myself at my locker actually dreading what might happen in the next few minutes. Maybe I could just wait at my locker a little bit longer. That would give him time to get his stuff and get to his last class before I make it to the hallway. Or, maybe I just wait until the bell rings and be late. Then everyone would stare at me when I came in and that's the worst. Ugh. I grabbed my books, closed my locker, and let out a sigh. I walked quickly to class with my head down trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I walked around the corner hurriedly and headed straight for Mr. Huntings classroom. I could see Cam out of the corner of my eye. He was standing with Chris, Rebecca, Allie, and Brian. Just then I heard my name.

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