11. The Masks We Wear

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Sorry for the delay guys! The show I was on just finished their season so I've been busy catching up on things.

Enjoy! :D

Chapter Eleven || The Masks We Wear


Stretching my arms above my head I greeted the morning sun with a smile. I turned over and an even bigger smile almost painfully attacked my face. I picked up the red rose that was left on my pillow and held it to my nose. When had Erik been here? I hope Violette hadn't seen him come in. Ha, what am I thinking? He's the Phantom of the Opera for crying out loud! He knows how to remain hidden! Silly Mélodie.

Rolling over I looked to see if Violette was still sleeping. My brows knit together when I saw her bed empty and all made up.

What time is it?

Sitting up I squinted my sleepy eyes to read the clock. Eleven thirty?!

The sheets fell on the floor as I scrambled out of bed and into the washroom. My employer is going to have a fit! I have never been this late before! I have never been late ever! My face was washed and my hair was up in pins in record time.

Tying my apron over my clean work dress I noticed something next to my trunk. Replacing a pin in my hair I bent down and picked it up. My note from Erik. I thought I put it inside my trunk. Strange. Maybe in my excitement I forgot to put it in my trunk. No time to think it over now.

"Mélodie, I'm glad you've decided to come to work today," my employer yelled at me the minute I walked into the kitchen.

I winced, "So sorry, Madame. I overslept. It won't happen again."

I picked up my water bucket and mop, sneaking pass her like I was sneaking past a caged lion clawing for its meal. She roared at me once more as I turned down the hall, "Be sure that it doesn't! I don't know what's been going on with you lately, Mélodie!"

"Oui (yes), Madame," I quickly turned the next corner to escape more yelling.

Maurice walked out of a door I passed and joined me, "You sure made her angry."

"Pardon? I think I lost my hearing you'll have to speak louder," his laugh made me smile. Maurice's midnight hair and sea blue eyes reminded me a lot of my brother. They also shared that warm easy going personality. Having Maurice around helped me feel less lonesome for my only sibling.

"What has been going on with you lately?" he looked down at me with curious eyes.

"What do you mean?" my pulse sped up a little.

"Je ne sais pas (I don't know), you seem...different. I've noticed you've been disappearing lately," he shoved his hands in his pockets.

I shuffled the mop and broom between my hands trying to relieve the weight. My mind raced for an excuse, "Oh come now, Maurice. In a big opera house like this you can't keep track of me all the time. Since when do you keep track of me?"

He chuckled as we came to the end of the hall, "I'm merely worried about you. You seem more distant that you usually are. That's all."

I blew a strand of hair away from my face and faked a smile, "You needn't worry about me. I just have a lot on my mind."

He chuckled again, "You always have something on your mind, don't you."

Shaking his head he went one way and I went the other.

Have I been that distant lately? I suppose I have been working off by myself more often. Violette and I are back on speaking terms but we still don't do our chores together like we used to. And now that I had Erik I felt more attracted to areas of the opera house that were secluded. Areas where he could come out without worrying about being caught. People here have never paid this much attention to me before. Perhaps I should be more careful.

The Shadow's Melody || The Phantom of the Opera || Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now