15. Prima Donna

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Chapter 15 || Prima Donna


It felt wonderful waking up in Erik's arms the next morning. It was then that I realized there was no place else I loved more. Nowhere else I wanted to be. Reluctantly we said goodbye for the day, or most of it since I knew he'd find me somewhere during the day, and I returned to the opera house above.

Violette didn't question where I had been. I'm sure she knew anyways. I didn't care what she or anyone else assumed goes on during my nightly outings. I could assume the same things about them and for most of them my assumptions would probably be correct.

Sticking another hair pin in my hair I bent over and checked myself in the mirror. Smiling, I repositioned my necklace and noticed something on the curve of my neck. Getting a closer look my eyes widened, "Erik!"

Making sure no one was in the room I took out all the hair pins I just stuck in and covered the red spot on my neck with my hair.

Darn that man.

I touched the red mark and smiled, remembering the feeling of his lips and the way he kissed me. And apparently bit me aswell. There was so many new sensations I wasn't sure what was going on.

"Too bad he stopped," shh brain! It's a good thing Erik is a gentleman! If he wasn't who knows what would have happened! "I know exactly what would have happened, and so do you."

Okay, officially blocking out my brain for the day.

With my arms full of new and mended gowns I blindly searched for the doorknob. Finally finding it I turned the knob and entered the Prima Donna's dressing room. She would be here soon for the afternoon show so I had to be quick in hanging her dresses and cleaning up her mess.

Stacking this, moving that, throwing away this, hanging up that, I got to her makeup table and noticed all the dirty tissues scattered everywhere. The least she could do is throw away her germ infested tissues.

I rearranged the many perfume bottles and makeup containers then cleaned the smaller mirror. After doing that I saw the newspaper laying in the trash bin. The headline popped out at me and I had to sit down before I fainted: King Of New France Dead!

The bottom portion said how they were still searching for both the blood heir and a new heir to the now empty and somewhat vulnerable throne.

Somehow I managed to breath, but my body felt like it was incapable of doing anything else. He is dead.

"Mélodie! Mélodie!"

There was a bunch of commotion outside the dressing room. The door flew open and I could see a bunch of dancers frantically running around. In the doorframe stood Maurice, sweating and completely out of breath, "Come quickly."

Knowing this wasn't the time for questioning I stood up and followed him. We weaved in and out of the chaotic crowd. Maurice spoke above the noise, "I've been looking everywhere for you. At first I thought you might have been down in the lair but Suzanne said she saw you go to the laundry room."

The lair? How did Maurice know about the lair?

Before I could ask him I was engulfed in a sea of shouting people, "Is this the girl?!"

Oh no. Have they found out about Erik? Did Violette say something to them?

In the distance I heard wailing and peeking through the throng of people I saw Eva sitting down and weeping.

Maurice spoke up, "Yes, this is the girl. Her name is Mélodie. Melodie de l'Obscurité."

My mind felt like it was about to burn up and die by this time. What was going on? Why am I so important all of the sudden? And how did Maurice know about the lair?!

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