14. Birthday Wish

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Chapter Fourteen || Birthday Wish


Pressing the fresh rose to my nose I swung my legs over the side of my bed and smiled. On my nightstand there was a small box with a letter beneath it. With more excitement than a child on Christmas I opened the letter:

My dearest Mélodie,

I know you said no presents but I can't resist showering you with gifts.

Please do not be angry with me. After all, your birthday only comes once a year.

Remember I love you with every fibre of my soul.

Your shadow for eternity,

My cheeks were sore from smiling. Placing a kiss on Erik's note I set it down and picked up the small box. The label read: To My Melody In Darkness.

I untied the ribbon and opened the tiny box. My hand flew over my mouth in shock when I saw what laid inside. The necklace inside sparkled in the morning sun. Hanging on a black satin ribbon is a crystal pendant carved in the shape of a rose. I have never seen something so beautiful. Sitting down at the mirror I tied it around my neck, the medium sized flower hanging right where my collar bones met. Utterly gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at it through my reflection. No one has ever given me something so stunning. Briefly I worried if people would wonder how a maid managed to get her hands on such a piece of jewelry. But taking one more look at it I knew I didn't care. It wasn't any of their business.

Quickly washing my face and making sure I didn't get my present wet I pinned back my long curls and changed into a day dress. Today it was not only my birthday, it was my day off. And with Christmas coming near I had to find the supplies I needed to make Erik's Christmas present. Another event we agreed to have no presents at. What can I say? We're weak. And in love.

Love, I smiled at the word.

Downtown Paris was a chaotic mess. People rushing here, children rushing there, carriages jingling down the streets. I loved every bit of it. Snow lightly danced down to greet everyone and held close to the evergreen trees that welcomed them. Shop windows were warmly lit with fake snow and colorful ornaments showing off their merchandise. Every place was jammed with people. French bubbled up everywhere I turned.

I placed my bundle of parchment, pencils, and paint onto the counter and smiled at the clerk, "Bonjour, ça fait combien (hello, that makes how much)?"

The older man smiled back at me, "Ça fait cinq euros, Mademoiselle (that makes five euros, Miss)."

I paid him and thanked him before returning to the crisp winter air. The rose felt cool against my neck, swinging slightly as I walked.

The smell of warm chocolate drifted over to me, coaxing me to come inside the small café. I have no self control.

The bell jingled when I pushed open the door. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate then sat by the window to watch the people go by. Freedom. Such freedom.

Later, when I returned to my warm little room, I put my purchases away in my trunk and hung up my cloak. When I walked out of the small closet Violette sat on her trunk with a small cupcake.

The candle lit up her face, she looked at me almost shyly, "Happy birthday, ma soeur (my sister)."

We hadn't spoken. I hadn't forgiven her for telling Erik about my family. She had intervened in something she had no business in, something she didn't understand. She had interfered in my happiness.

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