18. The Christmas Ball

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Chapter Eighteen || The Christmas Ball


The manor was busier than a beehive today. Servants rushed everywhere getting everything prepared for tonight's Christmas Ball. With nothing else to do - or nothing else they would allow me to do - I helped Elaine and a few other servants hang ornaments on the enormous Christmas tree in the ballroom. Later I would have to be fitted into my ballgown - and put the finishing touches on Erik's Christmas present.

I kept looking at the clock, wishing night would come so I could see Erik again. The only other people I had invited were everyone at the opera house. The rest were all wealthy politicians and aristocrats that Valentin knew. If it weren't for my old friends coming, I would be bored to tears. I remembered when I was younger at these huge parties, bored and all alone in a corner somewhere. This party, however, would be different. Tonight, I am expecting Erik.

I was fully aware that this would be the last chance I had to see him before leaving for New France. Then I would become a married woman and the official ruler of my own country. I tried not to think about it so I could enjoy my last Christmas as a somewhat free woman.

For some reason Valentin has been really paranoid about my safety. I still managed to sneak out at night but it seemed like the amount of guards around the manor has been doubling. It wasn't like I never came back. I always did. I didn't want to, but I did.

Today Valentin was too busy ordering around servants to pay attention to what I did. Elaine was also too busy. So, I wandered around the large manor, making sure I stayed out of everyone's way. I kind of enjoyed how no one really noticed me. I missed that about the opera house. The invisibility. The freedom. I miss alot of things about that opera house.

Trying to keep myself busy I gathered up all the gifts we had and spread them under the tree. That alone took about two hours. When that was finished I stood and thought of something else I could accomplish. Walking into the chaotic kitchen I asked the chef if there was anything I could help with. Either he didn't recognize me or didn't care because he gave me an apron and a bowl of dough, "Roll this out and make cookies!"

I hadn't felt happier to roll out dough in ages. Atleast he let me do something! Most everyone else I asked to help refused me because I was the queen. Being a queen apparently makes you useless except for ruling and making heirs to the throne.

By 4:30 my hair was covered in flour and my face caked with dough. Around this time Elaine came in and searched the crowd of busy, sweaty people. Spotting me she yelled over the banging of pots and pans, "Mélodie! We need to fit your dress now!"

Within minutes I had maids tightening here and poking me there as they fitted my dress to perfection. The skirt bellowed around me, it's golden fabric shiny. I turned my shoulders slightly to look at the bodice. The same gold satin fabric covered it with white lace lining the neckline just above my breasts. It's short sleeves hung low around my shoulders and the satin champagne colored gloves came right above my elbows. Although the corset was uncomfortable it brought my waist line in and pushed my breasts up to make them look fuller. I almost didn't recognize myself. I wondered if Erik could find me in the crowd. Or if he would come at all. No matter how much I wanted to see him it would be selfish of me to put him in danger just to satisfy my cravings.

I sat down as a bunch of women pulled and pinned my curls, some of them complaining about its unruliness under their breaths. I only smiled. When I left home and came to live in Paris on my own I, too, became very frustrated with my untamable hair. After a while I simply gave up trying to calm its wild spirit. In a way my hair was the perfect image of the wild spirit contained within myself. Instead of pins it was being imprisoned by these blasted corsets and despicable rules that people gave women. Especially royalty.

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