The Day At The Mall

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Thank y'all so much for the votes and comments on the preview!! It means a lot!! Hope to get more this chapter! And remember, the deadline for the cover conest is this coming Saturday. Anyway, here's the chapter. Again, don't hate. Oh, and the only name that is the same in the book as in real life is Jeffery. Enjoy!


I sat at the kitchen table and unlocked my phone to check Facebook, Wattpad, and my email. I had no life at all. I mean, okay, I had a “life,” but I had no one to exactly socialize with. And Wattpad is more addicting than Facebook, FYI. After noticing I had no emails or notifications, I made my cereal and took my medicine. As I ate, Mom was sitting near me and had just hung up the phone.

“Are you happy?” she asked me.

I looked at her. “What?”

“I've been noticing that you look down. I have that same look sometimes. It's time for you to get out,” she pointed a finger at me, laughing.

“But, where? And with whom? Mom, you don't like any of my friends,” I reminded her. She was really overprotective. Any friend I had, she'd find something wrong with them and just ban them from the house, and ban me from going to theirs. And the only two friends she approved were busy. Just my luck, right?

“I'm gonna allow you to go out with anyone you want. Y'all can go to the mall today. Because of my overprotectiveness, it's depressing you. No more. Go be sixteen, do some shit!” she laughed.

I just laughed and shook my head. “You're serious?”

“As a heart attack. Text, Facebook, whatever you gotta do, but you're doing something today.”

I sent a mass text to the following: Lacy, Dallas, Amy, Tami, Jill, Aaron, and Ira. Dallas never replied, Jill, Aaron, and Ira couldn't come, but Lacy and Tami said they were gonna come—also their friend Jeffery. Jeffery—the guy that I should've avoided. My dad dropped me off at the mall after I got ready and Jeffery, Lacy, and Tami were standing outside the mall entrance, waiting for me. I hopped out of my dad's truck and ran to them.

“Hey, glad y'all could come!” I smiled.

“Okay, Tami and I are entering a lingerie contest, so we're gonna find some real quick, okay? That cool?” Lacy asked.

I breathed. “Sure.”

We walked into Spencer's and they looked at different lingerie. Jeffery and I just stood there while they looked at each item of clothing. Jeffery walked around me to face me and took both my hands.

“So how's the boyfriend situation?” he whispered.

“What are you talking about?” I laughed.

“Like, do you have one?” he asked.

I scoffed. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Cause no one likes me,” I rolled my eyes.

“You ever been kissed?”


“By who?”

“A few people...”

This was really weirding me out.

He put his forehead to mine—keep in mind, this guy's probably five foot eleven, and I'm five foot three—and whispered, “How about another?”

“Jeffery, chill the fuck out,” Lacy hit him.

“I'm just talking to her,” he looked at her.

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