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Okay, so the winner of the conest was blue_fireworks!! Congrats, girl! And LookingForMeLove, your cover was amazing, so this is also dedicated to you, too! Thank y'all for entering! And for the rest of my readers, please enjoy this chapter!!


The next morning, I was walking to first period, when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Bella!" Jeffery's voice said.

I faced him and gave off a convincing smile. "Hi."

"How are you?" he hugged me.

"I'm good," I gave him a thumbs up before speed-walking into my classroom.

After finishing my work, there were fifteen minutes left of class. So I got to thinking about the note. It was out of my character to do something like this, but I wanted to know. And I didn't want to be one of those women who just waited. So, I took a piece of paper and wrote a note. I couldn't exactly remember what I'd written.

In fourth period, I looked over at my chemistry teacher who was getting everything ready for class and I casually slipped the note onto Cody's desk. I went to my seat and ducked by my desk, so he wouldn't be able to see me if he read the note. I saw his legs come into view and he didn't sit for a while. I guessed he was reading. I slowly came into view and sat on my stool. I looked out from the corner of my eye and saw the Cody's friends were surrounding him. Was that supposed to be a good thing?

"Okay, y'all, sit down," Mrs. E said.

Everyone settled into their seats and we went over notes and homework from last night. I kept thinking about how fifth period would go... Would he say anything? We were gonna find out soon.

When the bell rang, I scrambled to pick up my things and exited the class. "Bye, Mrs. E, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Bella," she called back.

I walked into Algebra 2 and sat next to Cody. "So did you understand what went on last period?"

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged.

"It's really easy, sort of," I shrugged.

He never brought up my note.

"Hey!" Dallas rolled his chair over to us.

I rolled my eyes, laughed. "Why are you using a low voice?"

"Because I can," he said, laughing-still using his deep voice.

"You're so weird," I shook my head at him.

"I don't care," he shrugged.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, how are we doing today?" my Algebra 2 teacher asked, walking over to her desk.

Dallas rolled his chair back over to his desk and I shook my head to myself. We did a review and Christy was at home. She got sick. Next thing I knew, Dallas was sitting behind me.

"What are you doing over here?" I looked at him, laughing.

"Doing my work," he shrugged, stating the obvious.

"You know what I mean," I told him.

"I felt like it," he said.

I just smiled at him. Dallas was like my big brother. I could go to him for anything. He always helped me out. He was my only friend in Driver's Ed. I remember the first day of driver's ed.

I walked in, hugging my driver's ed binder to my chest and I scanned the giant classroom, hoping to find someone I knew. Then, at the front, sat Dallas. I exhaled with relief and sat next to him.

"You are my life support for this class," I laughed, sitting beside him.

"Sure thing," he laughed at me.

We didn't sit together anymore. Our teacher put the class in alphabetical order. And his last name started with a W, while mine started with a D. So he sat in the back, I sat in the front. But he was the "class clown." If the answer was correct, he'd say incorrect. One time, our teacher asked if someone got a negative five on a test and Dallas raised his hand to be silly. Dallas's family was a lot like mine. Very musical. Very fun. Very out there-in a good way. And, he and I are both in choir.

Dallas can really sing. Like... This guy is amazing! He was even in the talent show. He had a powerful voice. I wasn't sure if he'd ever heard me sing before... Has he? I'd have to ask him. All throughout the day, my mind was racing. And after driver's ed, I was in the truck with my parents, telling them about Dallas.

"Mom, I'm telling you, Dallas is so hilarious," I laughed.

"Has Cody given you an answer?" Mom asked.

"No, but I'm sure he'll say no," I shrugged. "Anyways, when I was chasing Dallas around the parking lot of Street Smart-"

"You notice that, Dad?" Mom looked at my dad. "We talk about Cody for a split second and then go right back to Dallas."

"Yeah, I noticed," Dad nodded.

"I was telling y'all a genius-or what I thought was genius at the time-that happened during the chase," I explained.

"Well, it sounds to me like Dallas likes you," Dad said.

"What?" I laughed. "No way. He's not into me."

"Him taking your phone so you could chase him? Sounds like flirting to me," Dad shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Mom?"

"I..." Mom said in her "no comment" voice.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Y'all have fun together," Mom said. "That's what it's all about. Do you like Dallas?"

I was at loss for words. "No. I... I mean, no. He's a good guy and everything.... Like, I don't know what I'd do if he asked me out. I mean," I ran a hand through my side-bangs. "It's not like I haven't wondered about it..."

Shit. My mom had me second guessing myself again. I don't like Dallas. Not like that. A small whisper in the back of my mind disagreed, but I don't like him that way. I don't, I don't, I don't. Do I?



So????????? THOUGHTS, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. Do y'all think she likes Dallas or no?? Do you think Cody will say yes to her?? Does anyone like Dallas yet?? Lemme know!


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