PROLOGUE! they were the sweetest thing in the world

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was always too smart.

by the time she was 6 years old, she spoke fluent spanish and english.

her home life fucking sucked.

their parents were teen parents, and had cherry when they were both 16 years old.

they both got kicked out of their homes.

later, the pair immigrated to america, with 5 dollars and no knowledge of how to communicate.

cherry was born in a small hospital, and her father was left to deal with the 13,000 dollar bill.

they were already struggling, and barely had enough money to feed themselves.

vanessa martinez, cherry's mother, blamed her.

maybe if she'd just had an abortion, and didn't have to give birth to this stupid child, they wouldn't be in debt.

they could live happy.

so, her father apollo garcia went off to work. every single second of every single day was spent working in a weak attempt to keep his family afloat.

all of his job attempts failed.

while he hunted for a job, vanessa was left at home to take care of the baby.

the baby who cried too much. who was too loud, and in vanessa's opinion, needed too much.

of course cherry needed a lot.

she was a fucking baby.

vanessa would wake up, and carry her so she'd stop crying.

occasionally, she'd change her diaper and feed her. only when she cried too much.

by the time cherry was 5, she was taking care of herself.

she woke up, made herself a sloppy peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

it was never split down the middle, because every time she'd tried, she'd end up with a few bandages.

she walked to school in whatever weather.

everyday, she did her best. she'd get home, do her homework, and sleep.

and every night before she went to bed, she told her mother that she loved her.

vanessa would ignore her, and just take another sip of whatever alcohol she had on hand.

because cherry could never process the fact that her mother, the woman who was supposed to protect her, who was supposed to love her, didn't.

apollo had made himself a job, selling drugs.

there wasn't much else you could when you can't speak english, don't have a car, and barely have a house.

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