CHAPTER 14! asked him to the dance, because they were barely even friends

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cherry and mateo sat down at the table.

maddy awkwardly said nothing.

"hi." mateo greeted the entire table.

scattered hello's moved around the table.

"what if these are the big moments in life?" cassie questioned. "my mom always talks about highschool like it was this monumental part of her life, but i cannot imagine being 40 and looking back on this moment like, wow."

"i can't imagine being 40." cherry grimaced.

mateo laughed.

he gently placed his hand in hers.

"that's because most people peak in high school." maddy explained.

"i definitely haven't peaked, so." kat shrugged.

"i'm not even a person yet." lexi laughed.

"i'm definitely at about 25% peakness." cassie smiled.

"i'm a little girl. you guys are old." cherry shrugged.

"i feel like i'm at 100. but i can definitely get to 150." jules sipped on her gatorade.

"i never thought i'd make it this far." rue spoke.

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