Chapter 8: Connections

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

I was now currently in my classroom as I see Kristal was filled witg bandages as well as Akira, making me curious. So, I went over to Akira's sit.

Y/n:"Hey, what happened between you two?" I asked Akira as I point to Kristal.

Akira:"O-oh, we just had a little fight. Nothing too serious." She answered.

Y/n:"I know you two had a fight, but I need specifics. What happened during the fight?" I asked her.

Akira:"I-I guess, w-we kinda broke everything in the room." She answered making me tilt my head in confusion. "You'll get what I'm saying when the teacher comes in. Oh and come to the rooftop at lunch." She said as I just nod.

After a while, we talked as we both notice, Kristal glaring at the both of us, making me rather uncomfortable. After that, the teacher finally arrives as I walk back to my desk.

Teacher:"All right, sit down. I have an announcement." He said as I sat down. "Now, it has come to my notice that, yesterday, specifically around after school hours, our room was, qoute and qoute Vandalized." He announced.

Y/n:"Umm...sir!" I said as I raised my hand. "Who do you think did it?" I asked him.

Teacher:"That's the problem, we don't know who the culprit or culprits are. But luckily, the school Janitor, Mr. Luzon, was kind enough to pay for the damages, but don't think that the one who did this, wont go unpunished." He announced. "Now, with that out of the way, let's begin classes." He said as he turns to the board.


As the time for lunch time arrive, the school bell rings as it was now time for lunch. As I get up, Akira comes to me.

Akira:"Ready to go?" She asked me as we both carried our bento.

Y/n:"Yeah, let's go." I said as we leave the room.

Me and her were now currently walking through the hallways towards the schools staircase which led to the rooftop and as we arrive, I see Mr. Luzon was waiting for us.

Mr. Luzon:"Ahh, Y/n and Akira. Come, come! Have lunch with this old man." He offered.

And so, with a bright smile on my face, I went towards him and sat next to him on the ground as Akira follows.

Y/n:"I'm so glad you invited both me and Akira, Mr. Luzon!" I said as I intiate a bless with his hand.

Mr. Luzon:"Hahaha, think of this as payment for helping this old man with his job." He said as we started laughing with Akira having an awkward expression.

Akira:"U-ummm, Mr. Luzon, is there any reason you wanted to eat with us?" She asked him.

Mr. Luzon:"I just want to catch up with Y/n, that's all." He said as he smiled.

Akira's pov:

That's hiding somethin beneath it, I need to know.

Akira:"Ahhh, okay then Mr. Luzon." I replied.

Mr. Luzon:"Well, let's dig in!" He said as we clap our hands to begin praying for our food.


Kristal's pov:

Damn it! Just look at them in that rooftop! It should've been me and not that bitch, Akira.

Kristal:"Looks like following them was a good idea after all." I whispered to myself as I peek behind the rooftop door.

As I peek, I see the same old fart who knockrd me out unconcious and allowed me to let Akira escape without getting her killed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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